2,000-year-old mystery under Vesuvius volcanic ash in the ruined city of Pompeii comes to light in the final excavation of a previously unexplored area

The discovery of ancient artwork beneath 2,000-year-old volcanic ash is an exciting find that sheds light on the artistic and cultural practices of an ancient civilization. The artwork may offer clues about the beliefs, customs, and daily lives of the people who created it.

Volcanic ash can be an excellent preservative, as it can protect objects and materials from the elements and decay. This means that the artwork found beneath the ash may be incredibly well-preserved, allowing researchers to study it in detail and gain insights into the techniques and materials used by the ancient artists.

The discovery of the artwork may also provide clues about the volcanic eruption that buried it. For example, the style and subject matter of the artwork may suggest that the eruption was unexpected or particularly devastating, or that the people who created it were particularly skilled at depicting natural phenomena.

Overall, the discovery of ancient artwork beneath volcanic ash is a valuable addition to our understanding of ancient civilizations and their artistic practices. It is likely to generate significant interest among archaeologists, historians, and art lovers alike.

He said that a column of smoke ‘like an umbrella pine’ rose from the volcano and made the towns around it as black as night.

People ran for their lives with torches, screaming and some wept as rain of ash and pumice fell for several hours.

While the eruption lasted for around 24 hours, the first pyroclastic surges began at midnight, causing the volcano’s column to collapse.

An avalanche of hot ash, rock and poisonous gas rushed down the side of the volcano at 124mph (199kph), burying victims and remnants of everyday life.

Hundreds of refugees sheltering in the vaulted arcades at the seaside in Herculaneum, clutching their jewelry and money, were killed instantly.

The Orto dei fuggiaschi (The garden of the Fugitives) shows the 13 bodies of victims who were buried by the ashes as they attempted to flee Pompeii during the 79 AD eruption of the Vesuvius volcano

As people fled Pompeii or hid in their homes, their bodies were covered by blankets of the surge.

While Pliny did not estimate how many people died, the event was said to be ‘exceptional’ and the number of deaths is thought to exceed 10,000.

What have they found?

This event ended the life of the cities but at the same time preserved them until rediscovery by archaeologists nearly 1700 years later.

The excavation of Pompeii, the industrial hub of the region and Herculaneum, a small beach resort, has given unparalleled insight into Roman life.

Archaeologists are continually uncovering more from the ash-covered city.

In May archaeologists uncovered an alleyway of grand houses, with balconies left mostly intact and still in their original hues.

A plaster cast of a dog, from the House of Orpheus, Pompeii, AD 79. Around 30,000 people are believed to have died in the chaos, with bodies still being discovered to this day

Some of the balconies even had amphorae – the conical-shaped terra cotta vases that were used to hold wine and oil in ancient Roman times.

The discovery has been hailed as a ‘complete novelty’ – and the Italian Culture Ministry hopes they can be restored and opened to the public.

Upper stores have seldom been found among the ruins of the ancient town, which was destroyed by an eruption of Vesuvius volcano and buried under up to six meters of ash and volcanic rubble.

Around 30,000 people are believed to have died in the chaos, with bodies still being discovered to this day.

The eruption of Mount Vesuvius in 79 AD is one of the most famous volcanic disasters in history, burying the ancient cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum under layers of ash and pumice. While archaeologists have been excavating these cities for centuries, there is still much to discover about life in the region before the eruption.

One of the most intriguing mysteries is the Villa of the Papyri, a lavish estate believed to have belonged to the Roman statesman Lucius Calpurnius Piso Caesoninus. The villa was located in the town of Herculaneum, and its library contained thousands of scrolls of papyrus, making it one of the largest collections of ancient literature ever discovered.

The villa was buried under 20 meters of volcanic material during the eruption of Vesuvius, and it remained hidden for centuries until its discovery in the 18th century. The library of the villa, however, remained largely unexplored until the 21st century, when modern technology allowed researchers to scan the fragile papyri without damaging them.

In recent years, scientists have used X-ray phase-contrast tomography to scan some of the papyri from the Villa of the Papyri, revealing the text inside without opening the scrolls. They have discovered that the collection includes works by Greek philosophers such as Epicurus and Philodemus, as well as Latin authors like Virgil and Cicero.

The scans have also revealed that some of the papyri are still rolled up tightly, suggesting that there may be even more texts waiting to be discovered. This has led to renewed interest in the Villa of the Papyri, and researchers hope that future advancements in technology will allow them to unravel more of the ancient texts hidden under the volcanic ash.