5 “Secret Weapons” To Fascinate Men Of Cleopatra – The Most Powerful Queen Of Ancient Egypt

Using her “secret weapon” on the political scene helped Cleopatra charm two powerful men, protect the absolute peace and prosperity for ancient Egypt, which is also why she was popular with her subjects. Egypt worshiped as a god.

If talking about the most famous ancient queens in the world to this day, it is impossible not to mention the name Cleopatra – Queen of Egypt, she is also the most powerful woman in the lineage. The history of the rise and fall of ancient Egypt.

But despite her fame, all the information recorded about her remains quite a mystery to historians to this day. That said, it is not to deny what she has done for Egypt, as well as the basic information about beauty, power and wisdom that she has.

Cleopatra is an abbreviation of Queen Cleopatra VII Philopator (January 69 BC – August 12, 30 BC), a female Pharaoh, also known as the emperor of ancient Egypt. She ruled Egypt from the age of 17, i.e. 51 BC until her death at the age of 39 in 30 BC. Although she was a queen of Egypt, according to historical records, she was the last member of the Ptolemaic family – a Greek family that ruled Egypt for 300 years.

According to records, she had two famous love affairs, one with the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar and the other with the mighty Roman general Mark Antony.

However, according to many theories, her ultimate goal in capturing the hearts of these two men was not for love, but for the prosperity and peace of Egypt. In other words, it was a kind of love-politics, when she needed to make a connection with the Roman empire at that time.

Therefore, even under the Greek rule of Egypt, she was still popular with the people, they worshiped her as a god, a supreme protector of peace in the country.

To this day, many people still question what Cleopatra had that could win the hearts of two powerful men? And to answer these questions, let’s take a look at some of the “secret weapons” this queen has.

Smarter than people

According to historical records, Queen Cleopatra was a rare genius of Egypt when she could speak 9 foreign languages. In addition, she also has in her mind an extremely large amount of knowledge from astronomy, geography to history.

All of them helped her in from the very first days of taking the throne, making her show her natural leadership talent from a very early age. It was also because of her superior intelligence that she captivated a powerful monarch like Julius Caesar.

Superb beauty

This is still controversial to this day, and according to the most convincing theory, Queen Cleopatra really has a not-so-remarkable beauty, but in return she has a beautiful body, enough to make her drunk. Fall in love with any man even once to see.

This theory was further reinforced when ancient inscriptions were discovered in her tomb telling of her use of her body to fascinate the emperor Julius Caesar: “Cleopatra curled up inside the carpet to bring came to King Caesar, then the king opened the carpet and found her lying there, naked, revealing her attractive body. There, she officially became the mistress of this ancient Roman emperor.”

Sweet and mellow voice

Having a talent for strategy, knowing how to speak and her voice is always indescribably sweet, so every time Queen Cleopatra speaks, no matter how boring the story, it becomes strangely attractive.

She can also arbitrarily control her voice to suit the content of the conversation, such as a solemn ceremony, she uses a deep voice, along with body language that attracts everyone’s attention, In private, she is sometimes sweet, sometimes mysterious, enchanting.

Master in the use of scent

Being an intelligent person, it is no wonder that Queen Cleopatra devised very different ways for herself to become more attractive and attractive. One of them is the use of essential oils. There are also many records, she was the first person to give birth and create a perfume that is widely used to this day.

At that time, the incense she used was simply essential oils of flowers, woods and even musk. She knows how to adjust the dose, use it for the right purpose, for the right object, and more intelligently than she knows how to combine to make her surroundings always surrounded by fragrance. For example, to increase the charm, Cleopatra also used musk to apply to her eyebrows, and perfumed her lips to stimulate men’s sense of smell.

And this is also the weapon that she used to conquer her second lover, Mark Anthony, when she appeared before this mighty general on a boat full of fragrant petals and lamps emitting a seductive aroma of essential oils. droopy.

Lucky emerald

Besides the scent, history also records, Queen Cleopatra was a woman who loved emeralds and put her absolute faith in this gem. For example, she used this jade to decorate everything in her palace, from the bedroom to the bath, even the jewelry she was only satisfied with when it was set with emeralds.

She also used emeralds as a weapon that could seduce and dazzle men, making them fall in love with her unconditionally. According to many historians, Cleopatra always carried an Emerald with her, when she met a suitable object, she would place the stone on her heart and wish that the object would be completely conquered by her and offered to her all. whatever she wants. The most important character that Cleopatra used emeralds to capture was Mark Anthony.