“Rіѕkу Leap: Lion Cub’s dгаmаtіс River Crossing Ends in a teггіfуіпɡ Tumble”

This lion cub may have given its mother a fright, but it seems to have adopted the phrase ‘hakuna matata’ as its mantra.

The tiny beast nonchalantly attempted to cross a fearsome river – despite its tiny stature.

Wildlife photographer Mark Williams, 57, was delighted to be up so close to a lioness and her cubs in Mara, Kenya.

But even he admits his heart stopped momentarily when the four-month-old cub attempted to cross a roaring river.

Watching on as its older siblings leap effortlessly across the flow to the safety of the rocks beyond, the smallest cub in the pride lurks at the back before attempting an almighty leap.

The pride attempts cross the raging torrent of water in Kenya

The four-month-old cub swims to the river bank after failing make it across the water

Dipping its toe in the water before springing into the air, the brave cub falls drastically short of its target and plunges into the rapid current, disappearing completely beneath the surface.

However, in seconds it emerges above the foaming water and begins to swim towards the bank.

Luckily, it pulls itself from the water, drenched but safe while its mother looks on, seemingly unfazed by her cub’s near death experience.