The heartbroken Spencer won’t stop cuddling a pillow that looks like its ɗeαɗ brother

For 10 years, Spencer and Rocky were inseparable buddies. They just enjoyed being in each other’s company.

Unfortunately, their friendship came to an end when a visit to the vet revealed some sad news.

The blonde dog, Rocky, had developed a large cancerous tumor inside of him. The tragic discovery was made too late, so it left only one treatment option.

“Rocky had to get put down that day,” Fisher said. “It was hard to process Rocky’s sudden death, but we can’t imagine how hard it must be for Spencer to have lost his little brother.”

Spencer was obviously devasted.

“Since Rocky passed, Spencer has been getting up in the night to wander the house looking for his brother,” Fisher said. “And then he starts crying because he can’t find him.”

Rocky’s ashes were placed on a shelf close to where the pair used to sleep, but it was apparent hat Spencer needed much more to get through the grief.

That is when Fisher ordered Spencer a pillow with Rocky’s face on it.

The gift was quick to put Spencer at ease. Plus, it was nice having a pillow that honored Rocky as well as helped his friend fill the void left behind by his passing.

“Spencer has been cuddling into the pillow since it arrived, carrying it from the sofa to his own bed,” Fisher said. “He seems a lot more settled now he’s got something to cuddle into.”

The mourning dog wouldn’t have to sleep alone anymore.

Granted nothing will ever replace Rocky, but it’s nice that Spencer has a little comfort.

“I don’t think Spencer will ever get over Rocky’s passing, but I hope he’s able to learn to go on without him,” Fisher said.

She added, “We’re hoping Spencer is able to take comfort in his new pillow, and take comfort from all the cuddles he’s getting from his family.”