When There Was No One, This Brave Dog Jumped Into The Lake To Save The Drowning Cat- Dog Dispatch (ViDeo)

While we are always shown in cartoons and films that cats and dogs are enemies, in real life it’s actually the opposite. Anyone who’s ever owned cats and dogs together will know that more often than not, they are actually best friends. Ok, yes, sometimes the cats are bullies towards their dog family members, but there’s still a lot of love there.

In fact, there are sometimes those moments where a cat or a dog will risk their lives for the other. As we see in the video below, that is exactly what happened when one dog was willing to put his life on the line in order to rescue a random kitty in distress. If this doesn’t warm your heart and change your mind about cats and dogs being sworn enemies, then I don’t know what will.

There isn’t a whole lot of background information known about the video. All that’s known is that there was a distressed cat who was trapped and drowning in water.

The poor feline was desperately reaching out for help when it was spotted by this heroic dog. The dog immediately jumps into action, getting into the water and allowing the cat to climb onto its back. Such an incredible rescue to witness.

Some argue the woman was distracted by filming, rather than helping the cat down herself. However, others stand by her decision as they think animals get stronger when given the opportunity to problem-solve without human assistance. Which side of the debate are you on? Let us know in the comments.