“A Heartwarming Friendship: 20-Year-Old Dog Finds Comfort and Love in Hugging a Stuffed Banana”

Tessa has always been very protective of her loved ones and at 20 years old, that hasn’t changed.

The terrier mix is devoted to her mom, but nothing beats her toy banana. It might just be padding and yellow fabric, but it’s special to Tessa—and she’s making sure everyone else admits it’s special too.

Now, when people visit, Tessa proudly shows off her bananas and insists guests pay tribute to her prized toy.


Puppies are stubborn about bananas – don’t let age or hearing loss get in the way of their mission. “We instructed the guests to tell her they saw her bananas so she could lie down,” Loren said. “It’s funny that now that she’s deaf, our friends are yelling at her, ‘I love your bananas, Tessa!’”

With Tessa, you’re never too old to fall asleep with your favorite plush toy.

The heartwarming friendship between the 20-year-old dog and its cherished stuffed banana is a testament to the enduring power of love and the importance of companionship. It serves as a reminder to appreciate the unique bonds that form between animals and their unconventional friends. In this tale of unlikely friendship, we find inspiration and a gentle reminder of the healing power of love in our own lives.