Sex museum: A gathering place of the quintessence of ancient sex with giant penises

Recently one of my friends made a comment that I had a knack for finding the weird and wonderful aspects of a city after they saw a photo of me in a sex museum in China. A sex museum is not something you’d really expect to find in a China compared to more liberal countries in Europe.

So I’ve decided to put this post together to highlight other ones I’ve visited around the world just in case you thought they might be fun to visit too.

Sex Museums, like other museums, have an element of education to them, but mainly, they’re just good fun to visit. So whether you’re with your friends and want to spend an hour laughing at giant penises or you’re on a holiday with your partner and fancy a cheeky way to spend the afternoon, here are a list of sex museums around the world.

Amsterdam Sex Museum

If you’re after sex museums, you’re spoilt for choice in Amsterdam. The two notable ones are Amsterdam Sex Museum and the Erotic Museum, which the latter I would consider the little sister. The sex museum tries somewhat at providing a cultural and historical exploration of sex through the years but there’s still an overriding feeling of tackiness that ought to be embraced as well. Music fans might like to know it contains erotic sketches by John Lennon too.

My experience of the Erotic Museum doesn’t really lend itself to its title; that’s to say I didn’t find much evidence of eroticism but my friend and I had a fantastic laugh stepping on the balls of an outrageously large penis. And rather fittingly, it’s conveniently located right in the heart of the Red Light District.


Prague’s Sex Machines Museum

The Sex Machines Museum in Prague sounds kind of scary, and it’s definitely got the most stuff relating to BDSM. Some of the things we saw looked more like painful contraptions rather than sex toys. I couldn’t help feeling pretty naive about a lot of stuff haha!

Paris Museum of Eroticism

Well the people who say sex dries up after children should take heed from these two geriatric lovers at the Museum of Eroticism ! This place is 6 floors of pure unadulterated fun – from 1920s film and photography, to Aztec fertility idols, this museum has it all.

This museum is a little more arty than the others, and humorous too.

The Penis Museum in Reykjavik, Iceland

This is one of my most favourite museums. It’s the only museum in the world dedicated to penises. The most eye-catching penis you will find inside is a whale’s penis which was was is taller (or should I say longer?) than me, all 5ft 1″ of me. You can read more about my visit to the Penis Museum in Reykjavik here.


China’s Sex Museum

Who would expect the best sex museum in the world to be in China? After all they’re hardly known for their sexual dominance, but Tong Li’s sex museum is another reason to add China to your bucketlist. There is a prolific amount of erotic sculpture in the museum’s extensive garden area, and as you can see from the photographs, they are not the kind of quintessential garden sculptures fit for a family day out! This museum brilliantly reveals the different attitudes towards sex over the dynasties in all their particularity and humour. It is a must for anyone travelling inside the Jiangsu province.

The thing I like most about this museum is that it feels taboo. How ever did China let this one past its conservative eye?

Sex museums are often sold short, described as being a tacky subgroup of porn, and while this may largely be true, there’s also a selection of sex museums in the world embracing cultural and historical attitudes to sex.