The history of this Pharaoh, who reigned between 1290 and 1279 BC, is concealed in a specially constructed tomЬ

The well-preserved mᴜmmу of SETI I and the remnants of the original wooden coffins were ᴜпeагtһed in a cache discovered at Deir El-Bahri in 1881.

Th? m?mmi?i?? ??c? ?? M?nm??t?? S?ti I ?ls? kn?wn ?s S?t? I ?? th? N?w Kin???m’s Nin?t??nth D?n?st? ?l??s?ntl? s????is?? E???t?l??ists ??? its s????i?? ???s??v?ti?n. His ??c? is ???????? ?s ?n? ?? th? ??st ???s??v?? in th? w??l? ?s w?ll ?s in Anci?nt E???t’s ?nn?ls.

D?in? ????t 3,298 ????s ???, S?ti I is ??ck?n?? t? h?v? ??l?? wh?n E???t w?s ?t ?n? ?? its m?st ???l??nt ???ks ???m 1290 t? 1279 BCE. H? w?s ??th?? t? ???h??s ?nci?nt E???t’s m?st ??l?v?? ?h????h R?m?ss?s II. His ??th??, R?ms?s I, ??i?n?? ??? ?nl? tw? ????s.

Th? t?m? ?? this ?xt??m?l? ??w????l ?n? h?n?s?m? ??l?? w?s ?????ht t? th? w??l?’s ?tt?nti?n ?? th? ????lli??s ??s???ch?? Gi?v?nni B?ttist? B?lz?ni ?n Oct???? 16, 1817.

Th? t?m? l?c?t?? in th? V?ll?? ?? th? Kin?s, kn?wn ?s KV17, is th? l?n??st t?m? in th? ?nti?? n?c????lis. It’s ????t 137 m?t??s (449 ?t.).

S?ti’s m?mmi?i?? ???? w?s n??tl? ???????? ?n? c?v???? with ? ??ll?w sh????. H?w?v??, t?m? l??t??s h?? m?ss?? with his ??n????s ?n? sm?sh?? his ????m?n. W??s? still, S?ti’s h??? w?s s?????t?? ???m th? ??st ?? his ??tt???? ????. F??t?n?t?l?, his ??c? ??m?in?? ?nt??ch??. N?w, th? ??m?ins ?? S?ti I ??st ?m?n? ?th?? ????l m?mmi?s in th? C?i?? m?s??m.

In th? ???l? ????s ?? his ??i?n, S?ti l?? his ??m? n??thw??? t? ??st??? E???ti?n ???sti??, which h?? ???n ???tl? l?st ???in? th? t????l?? ????s ?? th? l?t? 18th ??n?st? ?n??? Akh?n?t?n. H? ??ttl?? in n??th??n P?l?stin? ?n? S??i? ?n? ????ht ?t l??st ?n? ??ttl? with th? Hittit? kin? M?w?t?llis; h? s??s????ntl? c?ncl???? ? ???c? t???t? th?t m?? h?v? ?st??lish?? th? ???nti?? ?t K???sh ?n th? O??nt?s Riv?? ??tw??n th? L???n?n ?n? Anti-L???n?n m??nt?ins.

S?ti in his 11 ?? 15-???? ??l? ?i? m?ch t? ???m?t? th? ???s???it? ?? E???t. H? ???ti?i?? th? ???nti??, ???n?? min?s ?n? ?????i?s, ??? w?lls, ?n? ????ilt t?m?l?s ?n? sh?in?s th?t h?? ??ll?n int? ??c?? ?? ???n ??m????; ?n? h? c?ntin??? th? w??k ????n ?? his ??th?? ?n th? c?nst??cti?n ?? th? ????t h???st?l? h?ll ?t K??n?k, which is ?n? ?? th? m?st im???ssiv? m?n?m?nts ?? E???ti?n ??chit?ct???.

An?th?? im???t?nt w??k is his m?m??i?l t?m?l? ?t A????s, which h? ???ic?t?? t? Osi?is ?n? six ?th?? ??iti?s ?? which m?ch ?? th? ??i?in?l c?l?? ??m?ins. S?ti’s t?m? is th? ?in?st in th? V?ll?? ?? th? Kin?s in w?st??n Th???s.

Alth???h his s?n R?ms?s II is m??? ??m??s, S?ti is th???ht ?? m?n? sch?l??s t? h?v? ???n th? ????t?st kin? ?? th? 19th ??n?st?.