Touching scene of an old dog welcoming a soldier home for the first time after many months of separation

This is the heartwarming footage of an elderly dog seeing its owner for the first time in three-and-a-half months after the un-named soldier was away on a training exercise.

The video was filmed a week before Christmas when the soldier returned from her basic training.

As the soldier returns home, the dog, called Buddy, is clearly ecstatic and lays on its back.

Emotional greeting: Dog’s heartwarming reaction to owner’s return

This is the emotional moment Buddy the golden retriever greets her owner for the first time in three months

The dog’s owner had just completed basic combat training with the US Army in December last year

The dog’s owner, who has not been named, said Buddy has arthritis and is losing her hearing

According to a post of Newsflare, the dog’s owner said: ‘I enlisted in the US Army and left for basic combat training in September.

‘I was blessed with the permission to go home for two weeks for Christmas. This is where I got to see my dog for the first time in 3.5 months

‘Buddy is a 13-year-old Golden Retriever who has arthritis and is losing her hearing, though despite her elderly age was absolutely thrilled to see me and couldn’t even stay on her feet. I missed her dearly and hope I can see her again soon.’

The dog’s owner charmingly puts her uniform cap on Buddy’s head as the dog paws at its owner

The dog’s owner said she was lucky to be granted leave at Christmas following her basic combat training

The soldier said she hoped she might be able to see her dog once again after returning to active duty