Shocking discovery: “Ancient Egyptian alien hieroglyphs Evidence of alien life”

Are we alone in the whole universe? You would get different answers to this question from different people. No matter what the skeptics or the debunkers have to say, but there is hardly any doubt that alien life does exist and they have been visiting out planet since the ancient times. A study on the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphics would confirm this further. Here is some of the best hieroglyphic evidence that points towards the existence of alien life.

The Temple of Seti I at Abydos has a hieroglyphic panel that bears symbols resembling the helicopter, spaceship and fighter jet planes. These hieroglyphic panels were made three to five thousand years ago, when man had no idea about these modern day vehicles.

An Egyptian woman is seen sitting with an alien looking being in her laps in one of the hieroglyphic panels that has been recovered. Human structures can be easily made out in other hieroglyphic hence it is obvious that the being in question is certainly not human, but an alien.

Many hieroglyphs bear images of humans with extra elongated craniums. As naturally human cranium is not supposed to be that long, it is believed by the alien enthusiasts that ancient Egyptians tried ropes on the skulls of their babies to make the cranium look elongated. This was a measure to emulate the appearances of the aliens is what is widely believed.

A flying saucer is seen in one of the hieroglyphic panels that are found on the walls of ancient Egyptian monuments. The shape and structure of the alleged flying saucer is so accurate, that someone might think that the ancient Egyptians had referred to a sci-fi movie to draw that. This however, proves that ancient Egyptians did encounter alien spaceships and that is why these objects have found their place in the different work of hieroglyphics.

Mysterious alien looking creatures are being found in many hieroglyphic panels all across Egypt. These beings have large black eyes and look humanoid, but certainly they are far from being humans.

There is another hieroglyph that is found in the Temple of the Pharaohs where an alien is found that resembles exactly the little grey men about whom we keep on reading in the various tales of alien encounters.

Another work of hieroglyphic art depicts a flying object that is emitting some rays pointed towards an animal. This hieroglyph is concrete evidence that not only aliens exist, but they also have been abducting animals and humans since the ancient times.

The hieroglyphic depiction of the ancient light bulb makes it evident that ancient Egyptians had developed the technology of how to generate electricity and work with electric light bulb. The hieroglyph at the Dendera complex shows that with support from some super intelligent extraterrestrial support, ancient Egyptians had made such objects.

The strange appearance of the various Egyptian gods that are seen in the ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs certainly point out that these gods were unearthly and they were extraterrestrial visitors. Sphinx, Anubis etc. is examples of beings that are thought to be aliens in reality.

Various hieroglyphic panels bear images of humans interacting with beings that do not like humans. These beings are mostly characterized by large craniums and large eyes and look more like those green men that you would get to see in the sci-fi movies of these days.