Amazing VIDEO that a fascinating science fiction enigma is revealed in, taken by the car’s camera.

“Incredible video, captured by a vehicle’s camera, unravels a gripping sci-fi mystery.

In recent years there have been numerous reports of identified flying objects (UFOs) around the world, with the latest incident occurring at a group of road repairers in the United States.

The incident was caught on video and quickly went viral on social media.

Witnesses described the object as huge, silent and triangular, with several bright lights flashing in sequence.

The incident has generated much interest and debate among UFO enthusiasts and skeptics alike.

Whatever the explanation, the incident highlights the fact that there are still many unexplained mysteries and phenomena in the world.

In my opinion, the sighting of a giant triangular object next to a road repair is a fascinating and interesting event that has caught the attention of many people around the world.