The most beautiful friendship in the world transcends all shapes and sizes: An orphaned baby elephant and a companion dog help him get back on his feet. Form a warm connection that captures your heart

For hundreds of years it’s been common knowledge that a dog is a man’s best friend.

But that relationship may be in danger judging by the bond between this pet and an orphaned baby elephant.

The African bull calf, named Ellie, was rejected by his herd and was then adopted by the Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage in South Africa, where his budding friendship with resident dog Duma is helping him get back on his feet.

Ellie, pictured, was taken to Thula Thula Rhino Orphanage in South Africa after being abandoned by his herd

Through his friendship with resident pet Duma, pictured, the elephant is now making a recovery

The dog has become so protective of Ellie that staff say they struggle to separate the pair

Their playful antics have been captured in a video uploaded to YouTube which has revealed even more tragedy behind Ellie’s young life.

Speaking to Earth Touch News, Karen Trendler, a rehabilitation and crisis response expert, said the elephant’s interactions with Duma were key to his development.

Watch: Rescued elephant beats the odds with help from a canine companion | Conservation | Earth Touch News

She said: ‘What was a really interesting thing was the elephant calf was particularly weak and particularly ill. He was not showing much interest in doing anything; he was lethargic and distracted.

‘We introduced Duma to the elephant at the sand pile and it immediately cheered the elephant up.

‘It had a massive impact on Ellie in that he suddenly had a bit of interest in life again. Over the past few weeks they have been growing this relationship.

‘You have a dog and an elephant who have totally different behaviours who are playing more and more. We have a hard time keeping Duma away; he is becoming increasingly protective!’

Ellie, pictured with Duma, had an abscess on his belly that 99 per cent would not survive

Staff say Ellie did not show any interest in life and was ‘particularly lethargic’ before meeting Duma

Ellie was abandoned by his herd for unknown reasons and the centre made several attempts to reunite them to no avail.

Ms Trendler said when they found Ellie he had an abscess on his belly button area which meant it was effectively open.

She said: ‘It was very infected and there was a direct connection into his blood supply. In 99 per cent of cases an umbilical abscess of that nature is fatal.

Karen Trendler, pictured, said Ellie is intolerant to all forms of milk which has made feeding him very difficult

‘Against all the odds this little elephant is still with us.’

Ms Trendler said feeding Ellie had also been a big problem because he was intolerant to milk, even special milk imported from Zimbabwe and Kenya.

This Orphaned Baby Elephant's Unlikely Friendship Will Melt Your Heart - YouTube

Staff the orphanage have found a solution however, feeding Ellie rice combined with protein, minerals and coconut which is working.

The next step is to find Ellie another herd, with orphanage staff hoping to either integrate him into an existing herd, or start a whole new one with a group of abandoned elephants.