The short film brought many tears! A 10-year-old boy walks a blind deer across the street every day before school so it can find food (Video)

A blind deer was wandering around the property of an apartment building in Illinois, struggling to find something to eat.

Luckily, residents of the building spotted her and knew they had to help. Of those residents was a ten-year-old boy who developed a special connection with the deer.

Every day before he went to school, he would walk by her side and showed her where she could find grass. He stayed with her until he made sure she had enough to eat.

The little boy quickly gained the deer’s trust and the two of them became the best of friends. People in the neighborhood was so deeply touched at the boy and deer’s relationship.

One man snapped a photo of the two of them walking side by side and posted it on Reddit. It quickly went viral, and people all over the world were moved by the little boy’s kindness toward his new friend.

One day, the man spoke with the boy, and they both agreed that the deer needed professional help.

The man contacted a local wildlife rescue group, who agreed to take the deer and bring her to a forest preserve where they’d look after her and make sure she is safe and well taken care of.

This little boy may be young, but he already has a heart of gold!