Although she is young, she is very fіeгсe! The moment the brave little Eastern king pre-emptively аttасked the giant eagle to protect the nest and young

As the female fledgling was learning how to fly and getting to know the surrounding area, she mistakenly landed on a tree close to the king birds’ nest in Massachusetts.

The small birds then grouped together to shout at the young eagle to get her to leave and as she did so, she was chased by one brave little king bird.

Its red crown, which is usually concealed, becomes visible when threatened by a predator.

The young eagle was chased by a little eastern king bird after she mistakenly landed on a tree close to the king birds’ nest in Massachusetts

The female fledgling was learning how to fly and getting to know the surrounding area when she landed on the nearby tree

Small birds grouped together to shout at the larger bird to leave and as she did so, she was chased by one brave little king bird

Guilong Charles Cheng, a 43 year old amateur photographer who has a passion for wildlife, explained: ‘It is not typical for a king bird to stay with the bald eagle, let alone flying right on top of her head.

‘That king bird was threaded by the eagle, and was literally bullying her. The red crown on the king bird’s head shows how threatened it was.

‘I have been watching the adult bald eagles building the nest since January, hatching the eggs, raising the two baby eagles, and finally the two baby bald eagles fledging.

‘It was a crazy couple of seconds but I managed to catch a couple shots.’

The little eastern king bird’s red crown, which is usually concealed, becomes visible when threatened by a predator and can be seen in the photos

Guilong Charles Cheng, a 43 year old amateur photographer who has a passion for wildlife, explained: ‘It is not typical for a king bird to stay with the bald eagle, let alone flying right on top of her head’

Cheng said the king bird was ‘literally bullying’ the eagle, as shown by the red crown on the king bird’s head, demonstrating how threatened it was

The brave little king bird flies close to the eagle’s head as she flies away after she mistakenly landed in a tree close to their nest

The young bald eagle spreads its wings as the little king bird flies close about her head after she landed in a tree near the king bird’s nest

Cheng has been watching the adult bald eagles building the nest since January, hatching the eggs and raising the two baby eagles before finally seeing the two baby eagles fledging

The little king bird flies close to the young bald eagle’s tail as it chases her off after she landed nearby the king bird’s nest when she was learning to fly