A ?ist??ic R?m?n w?? m?m??i?l – A m?n?m?nt?l c?l?mn ???ct?? in ??n?? ?? Em????? M??c?s A???li?s



T?is m?n?m?nt s??v?s ?s ? ?ist??ic?l ??c??? ?? M??c?s A???li?s’s ??i?n ?n? ?is milit??? ?cc?m?lis?m?nts. It ?ls? ???l?cts t?? R?m?n t???iti?n ?? c?mm?m???tin? ?m?????s t?????? s?c? c?l?mns, w?ic? w??? n?t ?nl? s?m??ls ?? ??w?? ??t ?ls? t??ls ??? ???????n?? ?n? ???c?ti?n.

T?? C?l?mn ?? M??c?s A???li?s is ? ??m??k??l? R?m?n w?? m?m??i?l t??t c?mm?m???t?s t?? milit??? c?m??i?ns ?? Em????? M??c?s A???li?s in t?? ???m ?? ? m?n?m?nt?l c?l?mn wit? ? s?i??l ??i?z?. W?il? it ??s ?n?????n? c??n??s ?n? ??st???ti?ns ?v?? tim?, it ??m?ins ?n im???t?nt ?ist??ic?l ?n? ??tistic l?n?m??k in t?? cit? ?? R?m?.

T?? Im???ssiv? C?l?mn ?? Em????? M??c?s A???li?s, ?ls? kn?wn ?s t?? C?l?mn ?? M??c?s A???li?s ?? A???li?n C?l?mn, is ? si?ni?ic?nt ?nci?nt R?m?n m?n?m?nt l?c?t?? in R?m?, It?l?. It is ??t?n c?m????? t? t?? ??m??s T??j?n’s C?l?mn ??? t? its simil?? ??c?it?ct???l ??si?n ?n? ?????s?.

T?? c?l?mn w?s ??ilt ??tw??n 176 ?n? 192 AD in ??n?? ?? Em????? M??c?s A???li?s, w?? ??l?? t?? R?m?n Em?i?? ???m 161 t? 180 AD. It w?s ??i?in?ll? ???ct?? in t?? C?m??s M??ti?s, ? l???? ???lic ???? in ?nci?nt R?m?.

T?? c?l?mn st?n?s ?????xim?t?l? 30 m?t??s (98 ???t) t?ll, incl??in? its ????st?l. It is m??? ?? C?????? m???l? ?n? ???t???s ? c?ntin???s s?i??l ??li?? t??t win?s ????n? its ?xt??i??.

T?? ??li?? ?n t?? c?l?mn t?lls t?? st??? ?? M??c?s A???li?s’ D?n??i?n ?? M??c?m?nnic W??s, ? s??i?s ?? c?m??i?ns ???inst v??i??s G??m?nic t?i??s ?n? t?? S??m?ti?ns ?l?n? t?? D?n??? ???nti?? ???in? ?is ??i?n.

A. S?th??l?n? – Anci?ntP???s.c?m – O?t?n c?ll?? th? “?hil?s??h?? ?n th? th??n?” ?? th? “?hil?s??h??-?m?????,” M??c?s A???li?s (121 AD – 180 AD) w?s ? ??w????l R?m?n Em????? wh? ??l?? ??? n???l? tw? ??c???s.

Th? St?t?? ?? M??c?s A???li?s in th? M?s?i C??it?lini in R?m?.

Wh?n h? ?i??, his s?n ??ilt ?n im???ssiv? c?l?mn th?t st?n?s 100 ???t hi?h ?n? ????s ? ??n? ?? ??li??s.

Em????? A???li?s w?s n?t ?nl? ? milit??? l????? ??t ?ls? ? sch?l?? wh? w?s kn?wn ??? his int?ll?ct??l ???s?its. His m?st si?ni?ic?nt sch?l??l? int???st w?s St?icism, ? ?hil?s??h? th?t ?m?h?siz?? ??t?, ???s?n, ?n? s?l?-??st??int.

Ch?s?n ?? Em????? H???i?n t? ?? his ?v?nt??l s?cc?ss??, A???li?s t??k c?nt??l ?? th? R?m?n Em?i?? in 161 AD ?l?n? with his ???th?? V???s.

F??t ?? ? m???l? sc?l?t??? ?? M??c?s A???li?s ?n???th?? in S??th??n T??k??. Em????? A???li?s w?s n?t ?nl? ? milit??? l????? ??t ?ls? ? sch?l?? kn?wn ??? his int?ll?ct??l ???s?its.

Wh?n his ???th?? ?i?? in 177 AD, A???li?s ??i?n?? ?s th? s?l? ?m????? ??? th??? ????s ?ntil h? ?i?? in 180 AD.

H? w?s ?n? ?? th? m?st ??s??ct?? R?m?n ?m?????s, ??t h? c?m? t? ??w?? wh?n th? R?m?n Em?i?? w?s m??k?? ?? w?? ?n? ?is??s?. In th? 160s, R?m?ns ??ttl?? with th? P??thi?n ?m?i?? ??? c?nt??l ?v?? l?n?s in th? E?st.

Wh?n th? P??thi?n W?? ?n???, A???li?s ?n? V???s ??c?? ?n?th?? milit??? c?n?lict with G??m?n t?i??s in th? l?t? 160s. G??m?n t?i??s c??ss?? th? D?n??? Riv?? ?n? ?tt?ck?? ? R?m?n cit?.

F???m?nt ?? th? C?l?mn ?? M??c?s A???li?s.

C?nt???? t? A???st?s, “wh? ?nlist?? l???? n?m???s ?? ????? sl?v?s t? h?l? ??lk ?? his ??m?, M??c?s A???li?s ?s?? ?????s ?? ???m?? ?l??i?t??s ?n his c?m??i?ns in th? D?n???. At this tim?, th? R?m?n ??m? j?st ?i? n?t h?v? ?cc?ss t? s???ici?nt n?m???s ?? s?l?i??s n????? c?m????? t? th? ?l? m?n??w??.

In th? ????th c?nt??? CE, th? ?m?????s sim?l? ???n? th?t th? c?m?in?ti?n ?? ? ??clinin? ????l?ti?n ?n? th? ??ick ?x??nsi?n ?? th? ??m? t???th?? m??? it t?? ?i??ic?lt t? ??is? l???? n?m???s ?? s?l?i??s n????? t? ???t?ct h?? ??????s…” (J?cks?n, R??. R?m?: R?m?n Em?i??)

In 175 AD, Em????? A???li?s w?s ch?ll?n??? ?? Avi?i?s C?ssi?s, wh? cl?im?? th? titl? ?? ?m????? ??? hims?l?.

A ????m?nt ?? th? c?l?mn.

Avi?i?s C?ssi?s h?? h???? ??m??s A???li?s w?s ill ?n? th???ht it w?s ?n ?xc?ll?nt ?????t?nit? t? ??t t? ??w??. Em????? A???li?s n?v?? h?? t? ?n???? in ?i??ct milit??? c?n?lict with Avi?i?s C?ssi?s ??c??s? his s?l?i??s kill?? him.

Wh?t m?k?s Em????? M??c?s A???li?s ?ni??? is th?t h? is n?t ??m?m????? ?s ? ????t milit??? l????? ??t ?s ? ???s?n ??iv?n ?? ???s?n.

A c?ll?cti?n ?? his th???hts h?s ???n ???lish?? in ? w??k ?ntitl?? Th? M??it?ti?ns. B?s?? ?n his St?ic ??li??s, th? w??k c?nsists ?? his n?t?s ?n li??.

Th? C?l?mn ?? M??c?s A???li?s is ? R?m?n vict??? c?l?mn in Pi?zz? C?l?nn?, R?m?, It?l?

“Ev???thin? w? h??? is ?n ??ini?n, n?t ? ??ct. Ev???thin? w? s?? is ? ???s??ctiv?, n?t th? t??th.” – M??c?s A???li?s

Ins?i??? ?? its m??? ??m??s ?????c?ss??, T??j?n’s C?l?mn, th? C?l?mn ?? M??c?s A???li?s st?n?s in Pi?zz? C?l?nn? in R?m?. It w?s ???ct?? ?? C?mm???s (161 AD. – 192), th? s?n ?? M??c?s A???li?s.

Th? c?l?mn w?s nickn?m?? C?nt?n??i?, “h?n???????t??,” ??c??s? it w?s 100 R?m?n ???t ?? 29.60 m?t??s hi?h.

L?w?? ???t ?? th? c?l?mn.

On th? t?? ?? th? c?l?mn w?s ? st?t?? ?? M??c?s A???li?s; t????, th? ???stl? P??l st?n?s th???.

In s?mm???, t?? Im???ssiv? C?l?mn ?? Em????? M??c?s A???li?s is ? w?ll-???s??v?? ?nci?nt R?m?n m?n?m?nt t??t c?mm?m???t?s t?? milit??? c?m??i?ns ?? Em????? M??c?s A???li?s. It ?????s v?l???l? ?ist??ic?l ?n? ??tistic insi??ts int? t?? R?m?n Em?i?? ???in? t?? 2n? c?nt??? AD ?n? ??m?ins ?n ic?nic l?n?m??k in t?? ????t ?? R?m?.