A Heartfelt Appeal from a Stranded Mama Dog: Saving Her 16 Precious Pups

Dolly, a courageous dog, selflessly took care of puppies that were not her own, despite coming from different litters. Mitzi Brogdon, the president and director of Street Dog Rescue & Recovery, spotted Dolly on the side of the road signaling for help with a pleading look.

He felt a compulsion to assist her, therefore he parked close by and approached the dog whom he affectionately named Dolly. According to Mitzi, as soon as he saw her, he rushed over and sought affection. However, he quickly realized that he needed more than just cuddles. “She began walking towards the cell tower, and I tagged along. That’s when I noticed that all of these puppies were coming out from behind a fallen log,” remembered Brogdon. And so, gradually, 16 small pups began to emerge from their hiding place.

The experienced rescuer was taken aback by the sheer number of dogs she encountered. Despite being accustomed to seeing dogs all around Oklahoma, the sight of so many at once left her speechless. Mitzi soon realized that the puppies belonged to three different litters and that Dolly, the heroic mother, was taking care of puppies that weren’t even hers. The Dodo reported that Dolly had been keeping them safe, providing them shelter and protecting them from the outside world.

Brogdon reached out for assistance in accommodating their family of 17 individuals. Due to their large number, they were placed in four different shelters, where they are being well taken care of. Their only wait now is for completion of their vaccination program before they can be placed in a permanent home. While the babies have received considerable attention, Mitzi is concerned about Dolly, an older girl who deserves a loving family just as much as the rest. Brogdon urges potential adopters to consider Dolly as well.