Adorable story: A 2-Year-Old Girl Convinces Her Mom To Adopt A deаf Puppy

He was a deaf, scrawny, hairless, funny looking stray. But like every dog, he deserved love, too.

When Thom of Hopalog Rescue took in Moz, the dog smelled and was in shock. The pup slept away the first day and a half before getting up and finally having his first bath.

Moz was a weak puppy who had been abandoned by his previous owners. He was skinny, furless, and sick with some kind of skin infection. The rescue asked Thom, who had experience fostering dogs with medical problems, to help get Moz well.

But just like all the fosters Thom took in before Moz, he was determined to find the little dog a home. So, he introduced him to his other foster dogs, who were happy to take Moz under their paws and show him what being part of a family is like.

As he got stronger, Moz learned to trust Thom and became very content. Being around all the other dogs helped Moz come out of his shell and to learn to trust again.

Soon, Thom began taking walks around his neighborhood with Moz in his backpack. It wasn’t long before Moz caught the attention of a 2-year-old little girl named Lillian. Lillian loved seeing all of Thom’s fosters but took a special liking to Moz.

When Thom had to take a two-week-long trip, he asked Lillian’s mom if she would dog-sit Moz. They agreed and Lillian and Moz were soon spending all their time together. The two hit it off and became inseparable friends.

As the two weeks passed, Lillian and Moz got closer and closer. When Thom got home, it was clear that Moz had found his new home and had found his forever friend. Lillian’s mom said the deaf little dog fit seamlessly into their family.

After Moz received his last puppy shot, he was delivered to Lillian, who just lived a few houses away from Thom, so he’d be able to watch them grow up together. Both Moz and Lillian were thrilled.

Lillian is just the sweetest and when she says, “I’m Moz forever family,” it is sure to melt your heart. We hope you enjoyed their adorable video. As always, please feel free to share with your friends.