Adorable video shows an overprotective little girl REFUSING to let anyone take her newborn sister away from her – and firmly shaking her head every time they come near

A viral video shows big sister Henley, who is about one and a half, snuggling inside a hospital bassinet with her new little sister Peyton in Pennsylvania

When adults try to take Peyton away, Henley repeatedly shakes her head, even when her grandmother attempts to pick up the baby girl

They keep trying, and Henley keeps refusing

Eventually they ask if she wants to go for a ride with her little sister, and she finally nods her head yes

In a few years, they’re sure to be screaming and pulling each other’s hair — but right now, one newly-minted big sister is feeling very protected of her newest addition to her family.

In a heart-meltingly adorable video shared on Facebook, a little girl named Henley, who is about one and a half, is seen snuggling up to her newborn baby sister Peyton at a Pennsylvania hospital.

When the girls’ grandmother comes to take the newborn away, big sis isn’t having it, and adamantly shakes her head when the woman goes to reach for the baby.

Baby love! Little girl doesn’t want anyone touching her baby sis

Joined at the hip! A viral video shows big sister Henley snuggling inside a hospital bassinet with her new little sister Peyton — whom she won’t let go

She’s mine! Every time an adult, including the girls’ grandmother, tries to take the newborn away, Henley shakes her head

Sneaking in a cuddle! The girls’ mother, Ashley Spaloss Neville, did manage to get some time to spend with her newborn daughter

The video was recorded at the hospital shortly after the baby was born. Newborn Peyton is swaddled and tucked into her hospital bassinet, but her big sister Henley is snuggled in there with her.

Henley has one arm under the new baby, who is positioned partially on top of her — and she clearly wants to keep it that way.

As grandma moves close to the bassinet in the beginning of the clip, Henley looks up at her suspiciously.

‘Henley, you want me to take the baby? I’ll take her,’ she says, prompting a quick but assured shake of the head from Henley.

Grandma asks several more times if she can take Peyton, and another woman chimes in with a similar request — but each time, Henley looks serious and shakes her head no.

Matching! The little girls were also coordinated in pink for the day, Peyton in a pink bow and Henley in a ‘big sister’ T-shirt

Two of a kind: Henley proudly held her little sister in family pictures, cradling her protectively

Her little doll: She’s clearly remained enamored since bringing the baby home, and is pictured later holding her sister and kissing her

Family! Ashley, pictured with her husband and Henley when she was a baby, and her family have been stunned by the viral success of the video

Finally, the adults in the room get the message, that Henley is not letting her little sister go. They give up, and instead ask if Henley wants to go for a ride — with the baby — while still in the bassinet.

To this, Henley gives her little nod of approval.

‘You gonna take care of your sister?’ her grandmother asks her, getting another tiny nod from Henley.

Meanwhile, all the adults can be heard giggling at this sister bonding in the background.

Since the video was first shared on Facebook by the girls’ aunt Danielle on September 13, it’s been viewed over five million times.

‘She’s so protective!’ Danielle wrote alongside the clip.