After vet bills reached $24K, dog owner is willing to sell his house to keep his beloved dog alive

How far will you go to keep your beloved pet?

A dog owner from Wigan, Jaxon Feeley, said he would give up his house to pay his vet bills, which have reached a whopping £20,000 ($24,185).

On January 20, Rambo, Jaxon’s 2-year-old Weimaraner, went into hypovolemic shock.

It is a situation where the body has lost a significant amount of blood or other fluids, and the heart cannot pump enough blood to the body.


“She began vomiting throughout the night over 30 times, and by Saturday morning, we were in the emergency vets.”

Rambo also had stomach flu, or gastroenteritis, which worsened her health quickly.

She stays in the intensive care unit for ten days, and the first thing that comes to Jaxon’s mind is to sell his house to keep Rambo alive.


On January 27, Jaxon created a GoFundMe page to raise money for Rambo’s treatment, which costs an arm and a leg.

“Rambo’s insurance has covered her up to £6500. Her bill is now up to £11,500 after one week in care,” the page says.

It also said that he does not know how long Rambo would stay at the veterinary clinic, and the intensive care costs roughly £1000 a day.


“If the worst happens and Rambo requires major surgery, the cost of this as well as the aftercare, is something I need to be able to give my little baby girl,” Jaxon stated on Rambo’s page.

Rambo vomited for the first week of her veterinary treatment, with the fluid draining back into her lungs.

Her lungs became infected, and she developed acute pneumonia, eventually leading to the collapse of one of her lungs.


“In the vet’s words, Rambo could not have been any more unlucky with what has happened,” he said.

The vet continuously drained Rambo’s lung and monitored the infection while she continued to vomit and hadn’t eaten any food for a week because of her medications.


Rambo’s condition became more worrying when the vet said that an abscess might have possibly formed in her lung, which would require major surgery to remove it.

“However, if it is, which is my biggest fear, the risk to Rambo’s life is significant. I could never forgive myself if I couldn’t give her the best fighting chance to pull through this horrendous situation,” Jaxon said.

After a week, he made an update thanking everyone who donated and shared Rambo’s GoFundMe page. He also said that Rambo’s vet bills reached £20,000.


Jaxon stayed in his car near the vet’s clinic to be closer to Rambo to ensure that even if she could not be with him, she knew he was always waiting for her.

“Rambo’s spirit and strength is mind-blowing, she won’t give up, and neither will I. I don’t go home until she does ♥️ I can’t express my appreciation enough for you all thank you from the bottom of my heart, xxxxx.”


Over 600 individuals have donated to Rambo’s treatment, surpassing Jaxon’s goal of £10,000, The Daily Mail noted.

On February 4, Jaxon happily shared that Rambo had pulled off a miracle and returned home.

“Over the last three days, Rambo has pulled off a miracle, hour by hour, she has increased her oxygen efficiency, started eating and drinking, her lungs are slowly recovering, and we started to see that beautiful little personality resurface,” he said.


Jaxon also said that Rambo got herself into a little routine of seeing him for a few minutes every four hours, and she knows where to find him.

The staff at the vet’s clinic were amazed by the power of love, presence, and a real struggle for life after putting her through every test they could think of and watching her amazing progress over the past three days.


Jaxon said he was stunned when the staff told him that Rambo could go home and she was all better but still required 24/7 observation and medication as she was still recovering.

Nevertheless, they are going home, as they said.

He said there was no way he would give up on Rambo as she is his little baby who wants to live and be happy with the Feeleys, particularly her big brother, Rocky.


Jaxon said there is no word to express his gratitude for everyone’s love, support, and donations that helped him pay the vet bills for Rambo’s treatment.

Rambo has made Jaxon believe that “real hope and fight” can bring you through the worst situation.

He said that life could suddenly change, and anyone taking it for granted should look at the mirror, ask themselves some questions and start fighting for life.