Alien expert baffled by ‘Egyptian statue’ found near ‘crashed UFO’ site

Conspiracy theorist Scott C. Waring claims to have spotted a face, buildings and the trail of a supposed crash site on the remote South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands


A self-professed alien expert believes he has found evidence of alien visitors to ancient Egypt that has been oddly hidden on remote islands.

The conspiracy theorist Scott C. Waring claims he spotted the iconic head of a cat face on an Egyptian pharaoh headpiece on the South Sandwich Islands using Google Maps.

The yellow highlighted structures were found via Google Maps on South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands (Image: UFO Sightings Daily)

In the three screenshots, he analysed for UFO Sightings Daily, he highlighted what he believes is a face, buildings and the trail to a supposed crash site that he has deemed proof of ancient visitors.

Waring wrote: “I found a few things near Antarctica yesterday. They are located on the Sandwich Islands.

“I used Google Earth to find them and you have to follow my instructions to go to the 2010 date to see the correct images because today’s images are so white nothing can be seen.


The supposed UFO site and trail was spotted at 54°39’43.26″S, 36°11’41.58″W (Image:

“It seems that Google wanted to hide some things this way, but they forgot the older images. I found an object which looks like a crashed UFO. It left a long trail, so either it crashed or it landed, moved and created the trail.

“I also found some structures. One looks like half of Noah’s Ark on top of the hill near the UFO. Just a few meters from it is this church structure. Also, there is a huge castle complex area a few km away.

“This castle area is all made by local rocks used as a building material. It has a stone fence around it, a small pyramid, some smaller fenced areas and something that looks like an old landed blimp.

Waring believed he can see an Egyptian cat face at 54°36’50.77″S, 36°10’38.34″W (Image:

“On last object I found was a cat face with an Egyptian pharaoh headcover. All in all, these objects point to ancient life once existing on this island long ago on the mountain tops. Ancient aliens existed and do exist on Earth.”

The news comes after Waring claimed to have found a crashed UFO in Africa which annoyed the architect of the award-winning building he also saw on Google Maps.

Krynauw Nel reached out to the Daily Star and explained that the structure was actually built to protect a cave containing fossils that date back millions of years.