Author: John SN
“Lo único que quiere es ser amado”. ! La Canguro no deja de abrazar a los voluntarios que le salvaron la vida y el vídeo te derretirá el corazón
“Todo lo que él quiere es ser amado”. Mientras Teesh Foy corría por los suburbios de Perth, Australia, mantenía sus ojos en la carretera. Su padre, defensor y cuidador de animales, la había alertado de que alguien estaba en problemas. Ella esperaba poder ayudar. De repente, lo vio. Tropezando solo por un huerto, clamando por…
Messi’s calling mission: From the mаɡісаɩ debut goal that brought David Beckham to teагѕ and lifting his first tгoрһу for Inter Miami, to his іпсгedіЬɩe eighth Ballon d’Or tгoрһу
When Lionel Messi was introduced to Inter Miami fans on July 16, he offered a mission statement of sorts. ‘I come here with the same desire to compete, desire to win and help the club continue to grow,’ he said. On the back of his World Cup triumph with Argentina in Qatar – in which he was…
After a long hibernation, the little turtle woke up and had to have his front legs amputated because of a ѕeⱱeгe infection. The homeowner installed model wheels to continue living a normal life.
A tortoise whose front legs were gnawed off by rats as he hibernated in his owner’s garden has had his missing limbs replaced with wheels from a model aeroplane. Marginated tortoise Septimus was attacked by rodents as he hibernated underground in the garden of owner Darren Strand in Gosport, Hampshire. When the 23-year-old pet emerged…
ɡeпіᴜѕ invention of ancient times: “3,000-year-old prosthetic foot discovered on the mᴜmmу of an ancient woman dating from 950 BC”
While today’s prosthetics strive to surpass human capabilities, the earliest versions sought to replicate them. The earliest known prosthesis, dating possibly as far back as 950 B.C., was discovered in Cairo on the mummified body of an ancient Egyptian noblewoman. The prosthesis is made largely of wood, molded and stained, its components bound together with leather thread.…
The sick, defenseless bear cub was left on the street by his mother and family, but the police officer гіѕked his life to save the cub, touching millions of hearts.
A police chief became viral online, not because he saved the day from criminals but because of his respectable bravery and selflessness. The viral police chief risked his safety in order to secure the life and well-being of a defenseless cub. His one-of-a-kind story is warming the hearts of people across the world. Thomas Owens,…
Admirers of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson were shocked to discover that he had an unexpected talent in addition to acting and professional wrestling: he was a women’s soccer coach.
Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson’s admirers were shocked to discover that he had unexpected talent outside of acting and professional wrestling. While working on the Fast 8 set, Johnson unexpectedly assumed the role of a women’s soccer coach. Many fans were shocked to learn this, but they were also impressed by the well-known actor’s diverse skill…
Farmer finds rare 90% complete skeleton of giant ice age creature in family gravel pit dating back 60,000 years
A family were left stunned when they discovered the skeleton on a 60,000-year-old mammoth in their firm’s gravel pit. The almost complete set of pristine fossils were uncovered in May when Marty McEwen and his grandson Ethan Beasley were digging at the family business in Texas. After Mr McEwen hit a 6ft-long (1.8m) tusk with…
Error del cazador! Fotografías increíbles muestran vida y muerte cuando un halcón de cola roja que buscaba comida fue atrapado por una serpiente ratonera occidental y no pudo sobrevivir (Video)
Fue el círculo de la vida y la casi muerte en un centro de vida silvestre de Texas cuando un halcón y una serpiente fueron vistos, atrapados en medio de una lucha a vida o muerte. Una serie de imágenes dramáticas publicadas en la página de Facebook de Texas Parks and Wildlife-DFW Urban Wildlife revelaron…
El tesoro de monedas antiguas más grande jamás creado tras el descubrimiento de 69.347 monedas romanas enterradas a un metro de profundidad bajo un seto.
Reg Mead y Richard Miles pasaron 30 años buscando un campo en Jersey. Su hallazgo de monedas de oro y plata ha sido fechado en torno al primer siglo antes de Cristo. Supera el hallazgo anterior de 54,951 monedas de la Edad del Hierro encontradas en Wiltshire en 1978. Cazatesoros han establecido un récord por…
Bebés elefantes huérfanos son envueltos en abrigos de ‘supervivencia’ para protegerlos del frío tras la muerte de su madre
Los animales están siendo cuidados en un orfanato en el Parque Nacional de Nairobi en Kenia gracias a la Fundación David Sheldrick para la Vida Silvestre. El fotógrafo James Suter, de 30 años, de Ciudad del Cabo, logró capturar dulces imágenes de los elefantes bebés, que están siendo criados a mano antes de ser reintegrados…