Author: John SN
Por qué no te despiertas, mamá! La angustia del bebé elefante mientras acariciaba a su madre sin vida en un intento desesperado por reanimarla dejó llorando a los funcionarios de vida silvestre.
Incluso para un elefantito, seguramente no puede parecerse mucho a su madre. Pero para un joven huérfano llamado Joe, este cuidador de reserva natural de 29 años se ha convertido en lo mejor que tiene. El elefantito pigmeo de tres meses fue fotografiado la semana pasada acurrucándose junto a su madre sin vida en un…
Detección de metales en el campo, atónita al encontrar un tesoro “enorme”
El historiador neerlandés Lorenzo Ruijter, de 27 años, es el responsable del descubrimiento de un tesoro de hace 1.000 años y que ha sido encontrado gracias al uso de un detector de metales. Según anunció hace pocos días el Museo Nacional de Antigüedades de los Países Bajos, este hallazgo, hecho en el norte de Holanda, consiste en…
The oldest fossil of an Ediacaran creature from about 550 million years ago was discovered and shocked archaeologists.
In a ɡгoᴜпdЬгeаkіпɡ scientific revelation, researchers have ᴜпeагtһed a treasure trove of eагtһ’s history with the discovery of the oldest foѕѕіɩѕ belonging to the Ediacaran biota. Dated to approximately 550 million years ago, these ancient remnants were found пeѕtɩed in the rocky terrain of China’s Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. This monumental discovery not only offeгѕ a wіпdow…
Beck’s tears: David Beckham cried a lot when he heard that Lionel Messi would join his club Inter Miami
The reply of the president of Inter Miami was disclosed during an interview that was broadcast on Sirius XM radio.Lionel Messi made the decision to entirely terminate his time spent in Europe and left Paris Saint-Germain in the summer of 2015. He had played for the club for two seasons. In spite of the fact…
Arqueología atónita! Halladas dos millones de monedas que pesan 10 toneladas en una tumba de 2.000 años de antigüedad
Exclusiva de China: Descubrimiento arqueológico descifra sistema monetario de Dinastía Han Desde agosto, el arqueólogo chino Li Xiaobin ha pasado cerca de seis horas diarias agachado en un tablón de madera sobre el lecho de una tumba que está nueve metros abajo contando meticulosamente 10 toneladas de monedas de bronce. Las monedas de bronce Wuzhu…
The joy of being able to walk on my own two feet. The elephant attracted attention because he was the first elephant in the world to receive a prosthetic leg from a human.
Mosha is an elephant who makes history, not because she does something extraordinary or she is somehow different from other elephants. This girl is remarkable because she is the very first elephant in this world to receive a prosthetic leg from humans. The poor girl lost one of her front legs 10 years ago after…
“Cursed treasure unearthed”: The secret of a gold-filled island at the far ends of the earth
The idea of finding a cursed treasure on an island full of gold is a popular theme in folklore, literature, and movies. It often involves a valuable treasure hidden on a remote island, protected by a curse or supernatural forces. Here’s a brief fictional story to illustrate this concept: In the heart of the Caribbean,…
The little baby turtle walked on his own with a set of special wheels when he still had his front legs
Like Pedrо’s, а disаƄled tоrtоise thаt wаs missiпg Ƅоth hiпd legs Ƅυt fоrtυпаtely mапаged tо regаiп mоƄility thапks tо Ƅeiпg prоʋided with twо wheels mаde оf Legо pieces. Pedrо wаs аƄle tо mоʋe аgаiп thапks tо the greаt ideа оf the stυdeпts Desperаte апd distrаυght, his оwпer, Sапdrа Tаylоr, tооk him tо the Lоυisiапа Stаte Uпiʋersity Veteriпаry…
Lionel Messi is settling into life in his new city as he goes grocery shopping with wife Antonela: Unexpected fashion statement with clear sandals leaves fans in awe
He is in the middle of finalising paperwork ahead of his move to Miami. And Lionel Messi was settling into life in the new city as he went grocery shopping with his wife Antonela Roccuzzo and their three sons in Palm Beach on Thursday. The Argentinian World Cup winner, 36, cut a casual figure for the outing, sporting…
Bulldozers were digging when Denver builders found the remains of a гагe 3-horned dinosaur that lived 68 million years ago.
Fossilised bones unearthed at construction site in suburban Denver belong to a large adult triceratops, palaeontologists say. Builders discovered the collection of bones, believed to date as far back as 68 million years ago, several weeks ago. Experts from the Denver Museum of Nature and Science were brought in to study the dinosaur bones further. They…