Dгаmаtіс гeѕсᴜe: Hyenas Rally to Save One of Their Own After Lion аttасk

This is the moment when a clan of hyenas all came together to save a clan mate from the jaws of a massive lion!

This amazing show of strong family bonds was captured on camera by Maddie Lowe while on safari with Margot Lowe and guide Witness Mathebule also known as De Beer.

Margot and Maddie Lowe, from Australia, were on their second day of safari at Arathusa Safari Lodge, when they had returned to a sighting of a kill made by lions the previous day. However today there were no lions around but instead a clan of hyenas feeding on the remains.

Suddenly, there was a change in the atmosphere as some of the hyenas stopped feeding and became very weary. The group could sense that something was about to go down! But what? No one knew.

Then, out of nowhere, a huge male lion came charging in . The hyenas scattered in every direction and squealed with displeasure.

Luckily for those hyenas who sensed the danger, their getaway was easy. The others who were too busy eating just managed to escape by mere inches!