Give her a round of a-paws! Two-year-old Great Dane gives birth to 21 PUPPIES during 27-HOUR labor

A Great Dane has shocked dog lovers by giving birth to a massive litter of 21 puppies during a 27-hour labor.

The two-year-old pooch – named Namine – overwhelmed her owner Tanya Dubbs from Pocahontas, Virginia, after she delivered 21 pups.

Although Tanya expected the large dog to have around ’13 or 14′ puppies, she never thought it would birth nearly two dozen.

It took Namine more than a day to finish bringing her 21 babies into the world, however two of them sadly died shortly after birth.

Namine, a two-year-old Great Dane, has given birth to 21 puppies in the span of 27 hours

She began her birthing journey last week and had a large litter of pups

The proud dog mom Tanya Dubbs from Pocahontas, Virginia, boasted about Namine and how strong the large dog was

It took Namine over a day to finish bringing her 21 babies into the world, however two of them sadly died shortly after birth

Speaking to WWVA, Tanya said: ‘Out of all of her puppies, all of the them were over a pound except two.

‘The one was .94 ounces and the other one was .98 ounces. The next day I weighed them and everybody had gained anywhere from two to five ounce.’

The dog owner knew that her Great Dane would have many pups, but didn’t expect 21.

Tanya explained she thought Namine would have ’13 or 14′ but then when her dog brought 16 into the world and then another, she knew she wasn’t done yet.

‘I was sitting on the bed and she was on the bed with me and I was talking to a friend of mine and I heard a gush of fluid and I looked over and I said we have another puppy,’ Tanya told the outlet.

The dog mom explained that she will sell the puppies once they have weaned from Namine in a few weeks.

She added that the money she makes from the first pup sold will go to the Tazewell County Animal Shelter.

According to the American Kennel Club, Great Danes are known to be one of the largest dog breeds. They often weigh anywhere from 99 to 200 pounds and stand at two to three feet tall.

The dog mom explained that she will sell the puppies once they have weaned from Namine in a few weeks

She added that the money she makes from the first pup sold will go to the Tazewell County Animal Shelter

The average dog litter size ranges from to one to 12 pups, with larger breeds having more.

In 2004, A Neapolitan mastiff named Tia had 24 puppies and currently holds the Guinness World Record for the largest litter.

Tanya also revealed that last year, Namine got out of the house and was injured.

She revealed the large dog’s eye was torn up and she had a scar on her side.

Tanya said: ‘She’s still here, we got our girl back.’