This story speaks about Caleb, a 6-year-old kid who was with his 2 siblings and mother when they had a car accident. Unfortunately, his siblings and mama did not survive the accident but Caleb did. He was left with several severe injuries that were threatening his life.

As the results of the accident, Caleb had many serious injuries that caused his bones to be fractured. In addition, he had a traumatic brain injury, that might result in brain damage, paralysis, and even death. Anyway, his grandmother and father did what they could to make his life easier, but it was a big struggle for them.
However, the doctors said that Caleb should be treated with a non-traditional therapy using a dog. So, despite being hesitant, his father brought a golden retriever called Colonel who served as a non-invasive and inventive way for Caleb to obtain medicine. It was a great miracle as from the first meeting Caleb reacted as Colonel along with Susan, his trainer, did a great job as Colonel lay on the kid’s hospital bed.

miraculously, his respiratory function improved and his heart rate increased, which was wonderful in his case. The presence of Colonel was really great for Caleb as he started playing with the dog. Actually, the kid truly connected to Colonel and he is now wants to sit up to interact with him!

Thanks to the doctors who came up with this idea that helped Caleb to improve. The doctors added that it only needs patience and time and Caleb will be healthy again. How awesome! Watch the video below.
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