Horrible thing ever seen ” Video of a brave woman dancing with 12,000 honey bees buzzing on her skin “

A brave woman dances topless while 12,000 bees buzz all over her body in an alarming video.

Sara Mapelli, who calls herself the Bee Queen, has been doing it for more than a decade as a form of meditation.

The woman, from Oregon, US, allows the stingers to crawl all over her for up to two hours – and even sits down and drinks a cup of tea as they cover her body.

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Bee Queen Sara Mapelli allows 12,000 bees to crawl all over her body. Scroll down to see the video

‘Meditation’: Sara allows the bees to crawl all over her body for up to two hours. When they first fly onto her upper body she says it is painful

Sharp flavour: Sara drinks a cup of tea as the bees swarm all over her

Clear-up: The stingers are flicked off the back of the self-styled Bee Queen using a brush

The first layer of bees has to bite to stay on Sara’s body, which she said is extremely painful.

Sara wrote on her website that when dancing she moves with the bees as they push against her in a ‘deep meditation’.

‘I think of this dance as a duet among many. These 12,000 bees push with their powerful wings from each side of my body, I resist and then I let go and flow and move with them,’ she wrote.

Brave: Sara sits at a table eating while she is covered in bees in Oregon, US

Stingers: She walks in a garden with bees completely covering the upper half of her body

Bee dance: Sara wrote on her website: ‘It is a deep meditation and I feel the hive mind surround me, hold me, and expand my body on a cellular level’

‘It is a deep meditation and I feel the hive mind surround me, hold me, and expand my body on a cellular level. I am a healer, dancer, artist, builder of structures and bee keeper.

‘As bee keepers, my partner, Theodore and I hope to help the bees of the northwest by encouraging them to swarm and become hardy in the ever changing environment.’

The bees cling on to her armpits, hair, breasts and chin as they crawl all over her body.

Crawling: 12,000 bees cover Sara – creating a quilt which completely covers her body

The first layer of bees has to bite to stay on Sara’s body, which she said is extremely painful

The bees cling on to her armpits, hair, breasts and chin as they crawl all over her body

Meditation: Sara Mapelli closes her eyes as 12,000 bees crawl all over her body

Picture of concentration: Sara does not look even slightly scared as the bees cover her body

Tea party… with 12,000 extra visitors: Sara sits down at the table with bees all over her body