Loyal dog with an unwavering heart stood by his master’s grave for 10 YEARS after refusing to leave him

A loyal dog has kept vigil at his dead owner’s graveside for more than 10 years after the man passed away in Argentina.

Capitan the German shepherd has spent virtually every day sitting beside the grave of his late master Miguel Guzmán since he died in 2006.

And it seems the 15-year-old dog intends to remain faithful to his last, as he continues his ritual despite being almost totally blind and barely able to walk.

Capitan the German shepherd has been standing vigil at owner Miguel Guzmán’s grave side in Argentina ever since he passed away in 2006

Graveyard workers, who now care for 15-year-old Capitan, say he is ‘waiting until he can be reunited’ with his owner

Cemetery workers, who feed and care for Capitan, told Oddity Central that it seems ‘as if he is waiting for the day when they will finally be reunited.’

Mr Guzmán bought the dog as a pet for son Damian, then 13 years old, back in 2015 before dying suddenly the following year.

The dog’s vigil began the day after Mr Guzmán’s funeral, when he went missing from the family home in Cordoba.

Mr Guzmán’s wife and son launched a search for the dog, eventually locating him a 45 minute drive away in the village where his owner had been taken to be buried.

They say it is a mystery how Capitan found the grave, claiming he had not been taken there before.

Capitan continues his ritual to this day, despite being almost totally blind and struggling to walk, cemetery workers say

Mr Guzman’s wife and son Damian have tried bringing the faithful animal home, but say he always escapes and returns to the cemetery

Damian tried several times to bring the animal home, but he always escaped and returned to the grave side, and they decided to leave him there.

The cemetery’s director Hector Baccega remembers the day he first saw the dog.

He said: ‘He turned up here one day, all on his own, and started wandering all around the cemetery until he eventually found the tomb of his master.

‘During the day he sometimes has a walk around the cemetery, but always rushes back to the grave. And every day, at six o’clock sharp, he lies down on top of the grave stays there all night.’