Mother and daughter gave birth at the same hospital, on the same day, just a few hours apart

A mother and daughter have given birth at the same hospital on the same day.

Heather Penticoff, 40, and her 20-year-old daughter Destinee Martin each discovered they were pregnant the same afternoon earlier this year.

They had the same due dates and, for separate medical reasons, doctors at Lee Memorial Hospital in Fort Myers, Florida, decided to induce both of them on Tuesday.

Overjoyed: Destinee Martin, 20, (left) cradles her newborn son Damien, hours after her mother Heather Penticoff, 40 (right) gave birth to her sister Madeline at Lee Memorial Hospital in Fort Myers, Florida

Penticoff’s daughter Madeline was born first.

Within three hours later, Destinee’s son Damien was born, making Penticoff’s grandson roughly the same age as her newborn daughter.

Penticoff told WZVN-TV that the births are ‘like having twins without carrying twins.’

Coincidence: Heather (left) and Destinee (right) each discovered they were pregnant on the same day

For separate medical reasons, Madeline (top) and her nephew Damien (bottom) were born on the same day

Happy families: Destinee said she is so happy to be going through parenthood at the same time as her mom

‘It’s a blessing all around. I’m just proud of her, so proud of Destinee,’ she added.

Tearful, clutching her newborn, Martin said experiencing pregnancy and birth with her mother ‘is probably the most special, amazing thing ever.’

It is not the first time this has happened in their family: Destinee’s grandparents had another three children after she was born.

‘Like carrying twins’: Destinee’s mother Heather said it is like having twins without having to carry both