T?? ??c????l??ic?l ?xc?v?ti?ns c?n ??v??l t?? R?m?n t????c? ???s?s ?? E???s?s

T?? R?m?n t????c? ???s?s ?? E???s?s ??? in???? ? ??scin?tin? ??c????l??ic?l sit? t??t ??s ???n ?nc?v???? t?????? ?xt?nsiv? ?xc?v?ti?ns. E???s?s, l?c?t?? in ???s?nt-??? T??k??, w?s ?n ?nci?nt G???k ?n? R?m?n cit? ?n? ?n? ?? t?? m?st im???t?nt ?n? ???s?????s citi?s in t?? R?m?n Em?i??.

T?? t????c? ???s?s, ?ls? kn?wn ?s t?? “T????c? H??s?s ?? t?? M?s?s,” ??? ? s?t ?? w?ll-???s??v??, l?x??i??s R?m?n ??si??nc?s t??t ??t? ??ck t? t?? 1st c?nt??? AD. T??s? ???s?s w??? ??ilt int? t?? ?illsi?? ?? E???s?s ?n? w??? in???it?? ?? w??lt?? ?n? ?lit? in?ivi???ls. T??? ???vi?? v?l???l? insi??ts int? t?? ??il? li??, ??c?it?ct???, ?n? int??i?? ??c???ti?n ?? t?? R?m?n ????? cl?ss ???in? t??t ???i??.

Wh?n th? R?m?n t????c? h??s?s ?? E?h?s?s ???n?? ?? t? th? ???lic, I w?s ??s?l?t?l? th?ill??.  I h?? list?n?? with j??l??s? ?s ?th?? ????l? ??sc?i??? th? ?xt?nsiv? ?in?s ?? ??in-st?kin? ?xc?v?ti?ns ?n? ???? with ?nv? ?s ?th?? ?l?????s w??t? ????t h?w m?ch th?? ?nj???? th?i? visit t? th? n?w ?tt??cti?n ?n? si?ni?ic?nt l?n?m??k ?? th? ?nci?nt cit?.

O?t?n ??st??nin? ?l?nn?? visits ???in ?n? ???in, I ?in?ll? m??? it ??ck t? E?h?s?s in M??ch ?? this ????. As w?ll ?s th? ?nt??nc? ??? t? E?h?s?s, I h?? t? ??? ?n?th?? tick?t t? s?? th? h??s?s, ?n? this ??m??? ?? th? c?st c?nsi?????l?, ??t I w?s s??? it w??l? ?? w??th th? m?n??.

A?t?? w?lkin? ??wn th? m?in c???l?? C???t?s St???t, ?n? ??ssin? ?? th? ????? ??mn?si?m ??ths ?n? T?m?l? ?? H???i?n, I ?in?ll? c?m? t? th? ?nt??nc? ?? th? R?m?n t????c? h??s?s, sittin? cl?s? t? th? ???n? Li????? ?? C?ls?s.

I h?? ?x??ct?? ?????s t? ?? l?n?, ??t w?lk?? st??i?ht in, with??t w?itin?. Th? h??s?s ??? c?v???? with ? l???? ??ct?n??l?? ?l?ss ??m?, s? I ?x??ct?? t? h??? ? l?t ?? h?sh?? whis???s ??t h???? n?thin?. Th??? w?s j?st ???? sil?nc?.It t??n?? ??t; I w?s th? ?nl? ?n? ?x???i?ncin? s?ch ?????n?ss t? s?? th? h??s?s. N????? ?ls? w?s in th??? ?t ?ll!

Insi?? th? R?m?n T????c? H??s?s ?? E?h?s?s L??kin? ?n th? ??i?ht si?? ?? thin?s, th? l?ck ?? c??w?s m??nt m??? ???m t? m?v? ????t ?n? I c??l? t?k? ?h?t?????hs in ???c? with??t ??in? ??????? ?n? ??k??.

St??tin? ??? ?t th? ????n? l?v?l, ? ?l?t???m l???s ????n? th? h??s?s th?t w??? ??ilt ?n ? sm?ll hill. P?ssin? ?? ??v? m? ? vi?w ?? th? ?nci?nt m?s?ics, ?n? ??intin?s ??t it w?s n?t ?ntil I ???ch?? th? ????? l?v?l ?? th? ?l?t???m th?t I w?s ??l? t? s?? th? ???????hic?l l????t ?? th? h??s?s, with n????w ?ll??w??s ??nnin? in ??tw??n th?m.

M? ??i?????k s??s m?st ?? th? h??s?s w??? c?nst??ct?? in th? 1st c?nt??? ?? ?xt??m?l? ?ich citiz?ns. S?ch w?s th?i? w??lth, th?? c??l? ?????? l?x??i?s s?ch ?s ?n????l??? h??tin?, cl??n w?t??, ?n? l?v?t??i?s, inv?nti?ns which ?t th?t tim?, w??? n?t ?v?il??l? t? th? m?ss ???lic.

St?n?in? ?n th? t?? ?l?t???m, ?v??l??kin? th? h??s?s, I s?w tw? ?i?ls ??sh ?? m?. Th?? w??? ????? t? ??t ??t ?n? ??vi??sl? n?n-??z?? ?? wh?t th?? h?? s??n. M???? m? ?xcit?m?nt w?s ? st?t? ?? ?nn?c?ss??? ???nz? ??t in m? ??ini?n, th? ?xt?? c?st ?? visitin? th? R?m?n t????c? h??s?s ?? E?h?s?s is t?t?ll? w??th it.