The entire team of doctors delivering the baby was stunned when the baby was born in the form of an 80-year-old man

Remember The Curious Case of Benjamin Button, the 2008 film featuring Brad Pitt? Well, a baby boy has been born in Magura, Bangladesh, with a rare condition that makes him look like an 80-year-old man.

The infant stunned doctors at a hospital when he was born on Sunday, with a rare condition called progeria. The syndrome causes wrinkles on the face, a very sunken body and hollow eyes.

A doctor who has been treating the baby said: “The baby does not look like a newborn at all.

“There are prominent signs of ageing such as excessive wrinkles and rough skin texture.”

The parents of the child have said they’re delighted with the birth of their ‘miracle’ child.

Biswajit Patro, father of the baby and farmer, said: “We can only thank God. There is no need to be unhappy about the appearance of my son. We are so happy to have a baby boy in the house.”

Mr Patro and his wife, Parul, have hosted a number of visitors looking to get a glimpse of their newborn.

Bijwajit said: “Relatives, neighbours and even people from neighbouring villages have come to see our son. Now we are a family of four. What else can we ask for?”

The family have been told by doctors that the baby appears to be healthy, although the condition is so rare that it remains uncertain what measures can be taken to treat him.

Congratulations to the family.