The family embraced how wonderful they were, and they immediately stepped up and agreed to open their hearts and homes to these sweet seniors.

When we were contacted on Facebook about helping 14 elderly dachshund mixes whose owner had passed away in southern Missouri, we just had to help. The family was unable to provide the care and resources these precious souls needed, and they wanted to make sure the dogs would have a fighting chance. It broke our hearts to think of these senior dogs without a home, and we could immediately see that they all were in dire need of vet care. When we sent out a plea to our amazing foster families, they stepped up right away and agreed to open their hearts and homes to these sweet seniors.

Then our friends at Five Acres Animal Shelter reached out to help on the rescue! They would join us on the transport and take half of the dogs to be safe and sound at their shelter.  Collaboration is vital when saving the lives of animals in need, and we loved having the opportunity to work together with Five Acres to ensure these 14 dogs would receive the love and care that they need in their golden years.








Once back from the transport at our respective shelters, all the dogs immediately began receiving the care they needed. All 14 of them suffer from demodex mange, dental disease, and many of them have visible masses, among other ailments. But, they are all in loving hands – resting, warm and comfortable in their foster homes.





Please consider making a donation toward their vet care to help them get the most out of their golden years! They are all so deserving of this chance.