C???ti?n ??ch???l??ists h?v? ?n???th?? ? n?c????lis with th? ??m?ins ?? 32 ????l? — s?m? ???i?? in c???mic j??s — ??tin? ??ck t? th? l?t? 4th/???l? 5th c?nt??? AD.

R?s???ch??s ?n???th?? th? ??m?ins in th? ???nt ????n?s ?? R???š?vić P?l?c?, ? 17th c?nt??? ???????-st?l? st??ct??? ?n th? isl?n? ?? Hv??, ??? ?? th? D?lm?ti?n c??st.

Th? ???i?ls w??? ?xc??ti?n?ll? w?ll-???s??v??, th? ?x???ts s?i?, with m?n? ???t??in? s?-c?ll?? ???v? ????s incl??in? sm?ll c???mic j??s, c?ins ?n? ?t?nsils.

Th? ?i? ?ls? ??v??l?? ???t ?? ?n? w?ll, th???ht ???m ? l?t? 5th c?nt??? s?ttl?m?nt, c?m?l?t? with ? cit? ??t? — ?n? ?n?th?? ??tin? ??ck t? th? 2n? c?nt???.

Acc???in? t? ?x???ts, ???i?ls in c???mic j??s ??? c?mm?n ?n? ??? th???ht ?? s?m? t? h?v? ???n ??s??v?? ??? in??nts ?n? chil???n.

Th? ???s ?t ???th ?? th? ??m?ins ???n? ???i?? ??n??th th? ????n?s ?? R???š?vić P?l?c?, h?w?v??, h?v? ??t t? ?? ??t??min??.

C???ti?n ??ch???l??ists h?v? ?n???th?? ? n?c????lis with th? ??m?ins ?? 32 ????l? — s?m? ???i?? in c???mic j??s, ?s ?ict???? — th?t ??t?s ??ck t? th? l?t? 4th/???l? 5th c?nt???.

Ex???ts ?n???th?? th? ??m?ins in th? ???nt ????n?s ?? R???š?vić P?l?c?, ? 17th c?nt??? ???????-st?l? st??ct??? ?n th? isl?n? ?? Hv??, ??? ?? th? D?lm?ti?n c??st. Pict????: th??? ?? th? l???? ???i?l j??s ???n? in th? 700 s????? ???t ?i? sit?.

Th? ???i?ls w??? ?xc??ti?n?ll? w?ll-???s??v??, th? ?x???ts s?i?, with m?n? ???t??in? s?-c?ll?? ???v? ????s incl??in? sm?ll c???mic j??s (?s ?ict????), c?ins ?n? ?t?nsils.

Th? ?i? ?ls? ??v??l?? ???t ?? ?n? w?ll, th???ht ???m ? l?t? 5th c?nt??? s?ttl?m?nt, c?m?l?t? with ? cit? ??t? — ?n? ?n?th?? ??tin? ??ck t? th? 2n? c?nt???. Pict????: ??ch???l??ists ???m c?ns?lt?nt ?i?m K?nth???s w??k t? ?x??s?  ? w?ll ?t th?  R???š?vić P?l?c? ?i? sit?


Th? isl?n? ?? Hv?? — which sits in th? A??i?tic S?? — h?s ???n ?cc??i?? sinc? ?t l??st th? ???l? N??lithic.

In 385 BC, G???k s?ttl??s ???n??? c?l?ni?s ?n Hv??, ?nl? t? h?v? c???? c?nt??l t? R?m?n ???c?s ?? 219 BC. <?ch l?t??, in th? s?v?nth c?nt???, th? isl?n? ??c?m? h?m? t? Sl?vic ????l?s ?l??in? ???m th? E??????n m?inl?n?.

In 2020, ?x???ts ?n???th?? th? ??m?ins ?? tw? w?ll-???s??v?? shi?w??cks ???m ????n? 2,000 ????s ??? ??? ?? th? c??st ?? Hv??. On th? m?inl?n?, ? R?m?n-??? n?c????lis c?nt?inin? ?t l??st 18 ???v?s w?s ???n? in 2016 in th? C???ti?n c??st?l t?wn ?? T???i?.

Th? tw?-m?nth-l?n? ?xc?v?ti?ns — c?n??ct?? ?? th? ??ch???l??ic?l c?ns?lt?nt ?i?m K?nth???s — w??? ?n???t?k?n in ??v?nc? ?? ? n?w li????? ?n? ????in? ???m ??in? c?nst??ct?? ?n th? ??l?c? sit?.

In t?t?l, th? t??m ???n? 20 ???v?s, s?m? ?? which c?nt?in?? th? ??m?ins ?? m?lti?l? in?ivi???ls, ?v?? ?n ???? ?? ????n? 700 s????? ???t (65 s????? m?t??s).

T??ic?l ?? l?t? ?nti??? ???i?ls, th? ???v?s incl???? th?s? m??? ?? ?m?h???? (t?ll, tw?-h?n?l?? j??s) ?n? ?th?? ???th?nw???, st??ct???s m??? ???m ???? til?s ?n? ?n? m?s?n?? t?m? in which th? ??n?s ?? 12 ????l? w??? ?isc?v????.

‘Wh?t ?s??ci?ll? ?m?h?siz?s this n?c????lis is its ?xc??ti?n?l ???s??v?ti?n, ?s w?ll ?s v??? v?l???l? ?n? c?m?l?t? ???v? ?in?s,’ th? ??s???ch??s w??t? in ? st?t?m?nt.

‘M?st ?? th? t?m?s w??? ??c???t?? with ?n? ?? m??? c???mic j??s ?n? l?m?s, ?lᴀss ??ttl?s ?n? v?ss?ls, m?n?? ?n? ?th?? sm?ll ?t?nsils.’

Th? ?in?in?s, th?? ?????, hint ‘?t c?m?l?t?l? n?w insi?hts int? l?c?l/???i?n?l l?t? ?nti??? c???mic ?????cti?n ?s w?ll ?s t???? links, th????h ??c?m?nt?? im???ts, s?m? ?? which w??? ?i?st ??c????? in th? A??i?tic.’

Th? tw?-m?nth-l?n? ?xc?v?ti?ns — c?n??ct?? ?? th? ??ch???l??ic?l c?ns?lt?nt ?i?m K?nth???s — w??? ?n???t?k?n in ??v?nc? ?? ? n?w li????? ?n? ????in? ???m ??in? c?nst??ct?? ?n th? ??l?c? sit?. Pict????: ?n ?il l?m? ?n? ? c???mic j?? ?n???th?? ???in? th? ?i?.

In t?t?l, th? t??m ???n? 20 ???v?s, s?m? ?? which c?nt?in?? th? ??m?ins ?? m?lti?l? in?ivi???ls, ?v?? ?n ???? ?? ????n? 700 s????? ???t (65 s????? m?t??s). Pict????: ?n? ?? th? ???v?s, ???t??in? th? ??n?s ?? m?lti?l? h?m?ns ?n? ᴀss??t?? ???v? ????s lik? c???mic j??s.