“Unveiling Nature’s Sunscreen: Exploring the Fascinating Mud Bathing Ritual of Elephants!”

A group of elephants in Etosha National Park, Namibia, have been spottedaopting a fascinating way to shield themselves from harmful UV rays, akin to humans using sunscreen.

Wildlife photographer and artist Anja Denker captured these majestic animals at a waterhole, where they were seen covering their bodies with thick white mud.

These “white” elephants, as Anja calls them, appear almost ghostly as they lather themselves in mud to protect their skin from the sun’s harsh rays.

Source: Caters News

Anja, 50, has been photographing these fantastic creatures for several years now, always finding them captivating subjects due to their striking size and color.

The elephants engage in this protective ritual for themselves and share the fun with other animals at different waterholes.

Anja recounts the thrill of being up close to these massive yet gentle creatures as they pass by her vehicle and, despite their intimidating


Source: Caters News

Source: Caters News