WWE star John Cena celebrates his birthday in true muscle style by lifting an incredible 270kg

WWE Champion John Cena showed wrestling fans the healthiest way to celebrate a major birthday by deadlifting a staggering 270kg.We use your sign-up to provide content in ways you’ve consented to and improve our understanding of you. This may include adverts from us and third parties based on our knowledge of you.

The 16-time WWE Champion – who proposed to wrestling lover Nikki Bella at WrestleMania – turned 40 yesterday (April 23).

But rather than go bonkers on the booze, The Prototype rose to the occasion like a true athlete and decided to hit the gym to deadlift a dizzying amount of weight.

In video – available above – John stands in a gym as 602lbs (273kg) lies in front of him attached to a bar bell.

He bends over and takes a deep breath as he lifts the hefty load up to his knees.

John’s face turns bright red and he calmly adopts a vertical position as veins pop out from his forehead.

After a few seconds, John drops the weight to the floor with a thundering crack and nods confidently before taking off his belt.

Thousands watched the video and quickly hit the comment button to lavish John with birthday wishes.

Another commented: “Holy s***, those weights are lifting themselves. Here’s to 40 more.”

And a third added: “A true champion. Wishing you a smashing, healthy, wonderful day. Love you.”

John gave fans an eyeful at the weekend after he stripped completely naked with fiancé Nikki to celebrate 500,000 YouTube subscribers.