In 2015, a remarkable 11.88-meter high rock was found at depths of 39 meters offshore of Sicily. This structure is similar to Stonehenge, and could reshape the history.

A structure similar to Stonehenge was found off the coasts of Sicily. Stonehenge, which is approximately 9,350 years old, can be found in the Mediterranean Sea. According to studies, it weighs approximately 15 tons and can be separated into two parts. Three regular holes are found on it of similar size: one at its top that runs all the way through and two further along the sides. This is an indication that the monolith was created by man.
Is there a Stonehenge under the sea? Emanuele Lodolo, an Italian oceanographer, and Zvi Bez-Avraham of Tel Aviv and the University of Haifa discovered the monolith. “The monolith is composed of stones which aren’t found in any other outcrops nearby, and it is completely separate from them.” Radiocarbon dating has shown that the stones that make up this structure are chalcirudites of the Pleistocene era.
The structure was found on the Bank of Panteleriavecchia, an historic island in the Sicilian Channel. According to archaeologists this island was flooded 9300 years ago by a flood. This period corresponds with the beginning of the Mesolithic Period in Europe and the Middle East.
This monolith has significantly contributed to our understanding of early civilizations in the Mediterranean basin, and its technology and evolution. All the necessary tasks required for this project included cutting, extraction and transportation.
“The notion that our forefathers lacked the knowledge, talent, or technology required to exploit marine resources or undertake maritime expeditions must gradually be disproved. Researchers found that “new submerged archaeological findings have completely destroyed [the concept of technical primitivism] that is commonly attributed to hunter/gatherer coastal inhabitants.”

The monolith as seen by radar Who built the monolithic? Although the Sicilian monolith may be strikingly similar to Stonehenge’s, it may provide more information about the civilizations who once inhabited the Mediterranean.
It is unclear if the structure stood on its own or was part of larger groups, like the monument in England. This monument is much older. We know very little about the people who lived in Pantalleria Vecchia 10.000 years ago. His ability to build is evident in this construction. Experts think that this village traded fish caught from other islands with the rest of the world. The stone could have served as a basic “lighthouse”, or as an anchoring or mooring point for ships.
Although it’s difficult to believe that this boat was ever used for such a purpose given its size. It is likely that the boats are massive if this is true.