A 24-Year-Old Mother Welcomes Four Children in Three Years Following Twin Birth

A young mother describes it as “crazy, but I love it” after experiencing the joy of having two sets of twins, resulting in a bustling household with five children under the age of five.

Nadine Robertson, 24, welcomed the four children in a span of three years, and she often finds herself attracting attention when she goes out due to the rarity of having two sets of twins.

Her eldest daughter, Isla, is four years old, followed by the two sets of twins. Olivia and Ivy were born in 2018, sharing the same birthday as their elder sister, and newborns Cody and Hazel arrived just 10 weeks ago.

Nadine, hailing from Doncaster, mentioned that both sets of twins were conceived naturally.


Nadine said that she now has a house with five children under five

“I just wing it every day to be honest,” she said.

“I wake up and I hope the rest of them are going to be in a good mood and are going to help me out.

“It’s crazy but I love it.”

Nadine and her husband, Phil Banks, 31, both have no other twins in their families.

The children are spread across their four-bedroom home, with each set of twins sharing a room and Isla enjoying one to herself.



Mum gives birth to two sets of twins in three years (

Nadine said when she goes out with both sets of twins, she often gets comments from strangers who stop her in the street.

She said: “Every ᴛι̇ɱe I go out I get people stopping me on the street.

“As soon as they realise that there’s two babies in the pram and I have the other two little ones with me, they always comment on it.”



She said that both sets of twins were conceived naturally

While she gets a lot of comments, Nadine doesn’t think it is so strange to have double twins as she has come across a lot on social media.

Nadine continued: “It doesn’t feel that unusual to me because I’m on a lot of twin mum Facebook groups so I see loads of people with two sets of twins.

“But I suppose for other people it’s not that typical.”



Nadine with her two sets of twins