Adorable moment a dog carries an abandoned baby monkey on its back to the local police station in Madhya Pradesh, India.

This is the heart-warming moment a dog carries an abandoned baby monkey on its back and hands it into a police station.

Footage shows the baby monkey clambering on the dog’s back as the pair are spotted at the Rehli Police Station in Madhya Pradesh, India.

The dog is seen wagging its tail with the baby monkey clinging on its back after it was separated from its family.

To the surprise of onlookers, the clever dog takes the little monkey to the officers.

The little monkey clings onto the dog after it carries it to the Rehli Police Station in Madhya Pradesh, India

The dog wags its tail as the monkey looks at the camera before the clever dog takes it to officers at the station

Officers are then seen feeding the little one a banana, even helping it peel the fruit, as it appears to be enjoying the sweet treat.

The monkey had been separated from its mother and was captured by some men due to which it had a collar on its neck, according to reports.

The monkey was then found by the dog abandoned near a lake from where it picked up the baby monkey and gave it a ride on its back.

Officers give the monkey a tasty banana and give it a hand by peeling it for him. A collar is seen around the monkey’s neck after it was separated from its mother and captured by some men according to reports

Yummy! The cute monkey appears calm as it tucks into its banana. An official said the monkey was later handed over to the forest officials.

Speaking about the incident, an official said the monkey was later handed over to the forest officials.