“Devoted Wild Dog Stays by Mother’s Side After Car Accident Despite Injuries”

Dogs are loyal creatures, not just to humans but to fellow canines as well – as one stray pooch recently proved.

Murphy, a crossbreed stray, came across a German shepherd in desperate need.

The animal had been involved in a serious hit and run and was lying at the side of the road.

But Murphy refused to leave the injured dog’s side and waited for hours until help eventually came.

Suzette Hall, of Dream Fetchers: Project Rescue, was the responder who received the call about the dogs and went to collect them.

She says that she was so touched by Murphy’s commitment to his canine friend in need that she let the pair cuddle up in her car, as they travelled to the vets.

Suzette said: ‘Murphy laid by her side until we rescued both of them.

‘This was one of those car rides where I prayed the entire time.

‘I honestly thought she died in my car and I was in tears.’

The injured German shepherd, now known as Marley, was taken straight to the operating room to undergo major surgeries – including a leg amputation.

But it was only at this point that Suzette and the vet team realised she was pregnant.

Between surgeries Marley gave birth to her 11 puppies – but Murphy continued to stay by her side in her cage, until she eventually recovered and found a new home.

Suzette adds: ‘Murphy was there with her and staying close by his best friend.

‘ICARE Dog Rescue team made sure all her puppies got amazing homes and now Marley has an amazing home.’

Following the horrific accident, Marley is now enjoying life with her new family and sweet Murphy stayed behind at Dream Fetchers: Project Rescue to undergo his own treatments at the vets.

But the team hope the canine pair will be reunited soon, after seeing their beautiful friendship blossom.