Egypt is the home of some of the greatest monuments and sculptures we’ve ever come across, to say the least, and the Great Sphinx is by far one of the most interesting and mysterious ones, to say the least.
Despite the fact that it is essentially known as the face of all ancient Egyptian culture and as far as we know it is one of the greatest discoveries, we’ve ever come across in Egypt, to begin with, we don’t actually know all that much about it, to begin with. We don’t know for sure how old it is, but we do know that it predates every other monument from the Giza complex.
Manichev Vacheslav and Alexander Parkhomenko recently raised a new theory, claiming that the Egyptian Sphinx may actually be 800,000.

The theory was allegedly triggered by evidence that the Sphinx was previously submerged beneath the Nile lakes. They also studied how far back these lakes could have reached the Giza complex, completely submerging it. This led them to conclude that the Sphinx is at most 800,000 years of age.
This is the closest proof of its age we’ve ever come across, as the lakes themselves are believed to have overtaken the area in the Pleistocene epoch which was around 800,000 years ago. However, if you are interested in more information about this theory, the following video will help you. VIDEO: