An abandoned pitbull that was discovered with only half a face has since been given a new nose.
The Hays Towne Veterinary Hospital revealed pooch Khalessi’s new look on Facebook Thursday, with a photo of the dog after her reconstructive surgery.
The animal hospital wrote: ‘This is the first picture of her “new” nose, courtesy of the surgical expertise of Dr Kerri Slomcenski and her team.’
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Surgery: Hays Towne Veterinary Hospital revealed Khalessi’s face after surgery (left), before sharing a second image (right) along with the information on Friday ‘Khalessi took her first full sniff this morning of her breakfast’

Operation: The animal hospital wrote online that ‘We are cautiously optimistic that her reconstructive surgery will stay intact’

Khalessi (above) was found on an Orlando, Florida lawn, missing most of her face – but that hasn’t stopped her from shopping for toys

It is believed that Khalessi may have been abused by someone
A Friday morning post from Hays Towne Veterinary Hospital’s Dr. Slomcenski said: ‘She had a slow recovery after her lengthy surgery yesterday but she is awake and stable.
‘She in on pain medication and resting comfortably in ICU.
‘Khalessi took her first full sniff this morning of her breakfast….which she enjoyed.’
A Friday night post from Slomcenski on the Facebook page said: ‘she just finished her first meal…and obviously enjoyed it very much.
‘This is probably the first meal she has been able to smell in quite a long time.
‘We are cautiously optimistic that her reconstructive surgery will stay intact.
‘Khalessi has a long recovery ahead of her, but this is the first step in the right direction.’
The two-year-old pit bull mix was reportedly found abandoned on an Orlando, Florida lawn. She didn’t have either a nose or sinus cavity, and had issues with her back legs, the Huffington Post reported.
Her rescuer, Stephanie Paquin of Passion 4 Pits Rescue, believes that the small black pit bull had been severely abused.
She was also underweight and weighed only 20 pounds, with her ribs sticking out.

Survivor: Her rescuer, Stephanie Paquin has said of Khalessi: ‘She loves people, all people’
Paquin told the Huffington Post: ‘Khalessi is sweet, loving and amazing.
‘She loves people, all people.
‘She just wants attention and love.
‘A person did this to her and she does not let it affect her outlook on people.
‘This experience has changed her appearance but not her heart.’
The Huffington Post reported Paquin was contacted by the Orlando shelter asking if she could help – so Paquin and her husband immediately went and retrieved her.
‘You are safe now, little one,’ she wrote on her group’s Facebook page.

Heart of gold: Despite everything, Khalessi is a loving dog who still likes to be around people

Lucky pooch: Khalessi faces the camera while seated on a blanket
Khalessi tested negative for heartworm, the Huffington Post reported.
Passion 4 Pits had wrote online: ‘She is going to need several surgeries and therapy to help her repair and regain use of her legs.
‘She will need dental work as several of her teeth have exposed roots from the area of missing bone in her jaw.

Khalessi ‘doesn’t let her disabilities stop her,’ the rescue group posted on its Facebook page, with an accompanying video of the pooch enjoying the sunshine outdoors.
If you are interested in more information or donating, visit the websites for Hays Towne Veterinary Hospital and Passion 4 Pits.

Khalessi the formerly abused pit bull doesn’t let her looks affect her enjoyment of life

The dog with ‘half a face’ is now loved and cared for by Stephanie Paquin and her husband (above)

‘My amazing husband does so much for me and for the rescue. When we met I only had one dog and had no idea that one day we would be running a rescue and helping abused dogs like Khalessi,’ Stephanie Paquin of Passion 4 Pits Rescue wrote on Facebook