Paleontologists have discovered the world’s oldest burial remains of the extinct species Homo naledi. Valuable finds found in a cave in southern Africa. It turned out that these ancient people also buried the dead, and marked the graves with special symbols.

This unique discovery was made by a team of paleontologists during led by National Geographic expert Lee Berger. Close to Cradle of Humanity (World Heritage Site), 50 km from Johannesburg, scientists have found the oldest burial of the species Homo in a cave naledi. The expedition of 2013 discovered the skeletons of adults and children, including one body with 83 fragments of bones and teeth. Among other remains – fragments of various bones and skulls. Although the finds were made back in 2013, they are still being studied and make discoveries.

One of the discoveries of scientists was the fact that ancient people Homo naledi, just like us, buried the dead, and marked the graves special characters. Homo naledi – a primitive species at the junction of monkeys and modern people. The brain of this species was the size of a chimpanzee brain. How scientists previously believed that people of this species were not capable of “meaningful” activities – but this find made them doubt. Previously similar burials were found only among ancient Homo sapiens, so this fact can change the way we think about evolution.

In July 2022, a team of scientists analyzed the symbols which ancient people left on their graves. These were mainly transverse strokes or geometric shapes carved with a sharp tool. The lines clearly meant something, as they were often repeated on different graves. Before drawing the picture, the stone was prepared and polished. In addition, these same symbols were observed in Neanderthals almost 600,000 years ago, and Homo sapiens in South Africa 80,000 years ago back.

Another high-profile find was made in the underground cave system South Africa during excavations in 2018. Experts found graves oval-shaped, in which there were at least five people. This – further proof that Homo naledi were capable of more, than has always been thought. Although paleontologist Lee Berger has encountered a wave criticism after such high-profile statements, he aims to further study his finds, proving the ability of the species Homo naledi.