A Facebook video showing a newborn baby girl walking just minutes after her birth in a hospital in Brazil has gone viral on social media.
The video, which has over 50 million views and 1.3 million shares on Facebook, shows a midwife craddling the newborn girl across her chest with one arm and is amazed to see the baby walk on her own.

“Oh my gosh, the girl is walking. Good gracious!” the nurse dressed in surgical robes with a clinical mask over her mouth, is heard crying out in amazement.
“I was trying to wash her here and she keeps getting up to walk,” said the midwife pointing with one hand to where she initially tried to lay the baby down to give the child her first bath.

The midwife is then seen lifting the baby up and returning the infant back to the original position but in an astounding burst of strength, the little girl refuses to lie down on her front, pushes up onto her legs and resumes her astonishing journey across the neonatal table once again.

“If you told people what has just happened no one would believe it unless they saw it with their own eyes,” the midwife holding the baby girl was quoted by ‘ The Sun’ as saying.
The video, which was uploaded to social media on May 26 has stunned viewers who declare the baby’s attempt to walk nothing short of a miracle.
The logo on the midwife’s robes suggest that she works at a Santa Cruz Hospital in south Brazil. (AGENCIES)