Shocking world “Newborn baby abandoned by teenage mother in field is saved after ‘hero’ dog finds baby’s leg sticking out of the ground”

A hero dog saved a newborn baby after leading his owner to the boy who had been buried alive in the dirt by his teenage mother.

The pooch called Ping Pong was seen scratching at earth alongside a farmer’s field in Korat, north eastern Thailand, on Wednesday morning.

Ping Pong’s owner Usa Nisaika, 41, went over to look and noticed the infant’s tiny leg poking up from the earth.

He frantically dug up the 5.2lbs baby and rushed him to hospital where he was found not to have suffered any serious injury.

The newborn baby after being rushed to hospital where he was deemed healthy by doctors in Thailand

Ping Pong the dog with his owner – he was seen by Usa Nisaika scratching around at the edge of a field in Korat

The 15-year-old mother told officers she buried him to try to hide the birth, because she was afraid that her parents would be angry

The infant has been deemed healthy and police have arrested his 15-year-old mother on suspicion of attempted murder.

Usa said his dog – which only has three working legs having been hit by a car when he was younger – was a ‘hero’.

He said: ‘I have had Ping Pong since he was born and he has always been very loyal and obedient.

‘When he was younger a car hit him and his back leg was injured. He cannot use it but he still helps me when I’m herding cows.

‘Everybody in the village is amazed by what he has done now. He is a hero because he saved the life of the baby.’

Ping Pong’s hind leg was injured by a car when he was younger but Usa said he remains a worthy servant

Fortunately the baby did not sustain any injury thanks to Ping Pong’s timely intervention

The edge of the farmer’s field in rural Thailand where the teenage mother dumped her newborn

The scene where the child was hidden by the mother, covered with blankets after being buried

Police began investigating and interviewed local residents. None of them knew any pregnant women in the area but a shopkeeper said that a teenage girl had recently bought an unusually large amount of sanitary towels.

The teenager was arrested on Thursday and admitted giving birth to the baby boy. She told police that she buried him to try to hide the birth, because she was afraid that her parents would be angry.

Officers have now kept the baby under supervision in hospital, but the girl’s parents have offered to take care of the infant.

Nakhon Ratchasima governor Wichian Chantharanothai and Trairat Witthayanumart, the chief of the Chumpuang district, said they have visited the infant in hospital and he is healthy.

Locals and police attend the site where the infant was buried – the girl’s parents have offered to take care of the infant

Usa gestures to where he found the child which was buried by the young mother for fear of her parents reaction

An officer examines the ground where the baby was discovered as they investigate the mother

Nakhon Ratchasima governor Wichian Chantharanothai and Trairat Witthayanumart, the chief of the Chumpuang district, said they have visited the infant in hospital and he is healthy

Governor Wichian said: ‘The baby is recovering and he is healthy. His weight when he was born was 2.4kg.

‘The parent of the mother have offered to take care of the baby when he leaves hospital but that has not been agreed yet.

‘A team of police and government welfare workers need to consider the safety of the children.’

Police interviewed the teenager mother on suspicion of attempted murder but they are waiting for for her to be assessed for her mental health.

Governor Wichian added: ‘Police officers are preparing to prosecute the mother but she is also a child and we must consider her mind and be professional. It is important that she is nurtured and treated fairly.’