“The Mummies of Qilakitsoq: The Inuit Baby That Captured Hearts Around the World”

The Qilakitsoq mummies are a group of eight well-preserved mummies discovered in 1972 in Qilakitsoq, a remote location in northwestern Greenland.

The mummies are believed to be from the late 15th century, during the Late Dorset culture, and include six women and two children. One of the mummies is that of an Inuit baby, which captured the hearts of people around the world.

The Inuit baby was a six-month-old boy who was found wrapped in animal skins and buried alongside his mother, who was also one of the mummies.

The baby’s body was so well-preserved that his facial features and expressions could still be seen. This caused a sensation when the mummies were first displayed in museums in Denmark, as people were struck by the humanity of the ancient remains.

The discovery of the Qilakitsoq mummies provided valuable insights into the lives of the people who lived in the region over 500 years ago.

For example, analysis of the mummies’ teeth suggested that the people had a mostly seafood-based diet, with occasional terrestrial meat.

Today, the mummies are housed at the Greenland National Museum and Archives in Nuuk, where they continue to be studied by scientists and admired by visitors.

The Inuit baby, in particular, remains a poignant reminder of the people who once called this remote part of the world home.